Monday, April 27, 2015

Get It Together

Our nation is no longer in its' infancy. I am sickened every time I see rioting going on in the name of racial justice. People need to start understanding that every time people act out in protest, in some way, they are justifying the actions of those in charge.
The time has come and gone, for us to accept one another. We are all different, from color to creed.. We need to understand that no ones leaving or going to change who we are. Something else to think about: There are people all over the world who want our civilization and country dead and buried... we shouldn't help them along... Wake Up America... Stop your foolishness...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


So, I've been watching TV. Most of you know that I really at heart am a news junkie... In the last couple of months I've been noticing news stories involving AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENTS and their hatred for AMERICA. THE UNITED STATES, to be more specific. There have been scenes on the news of AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENTS protesting the presence of THE AMERICAN FLAG on college campuses. All or perhaps some of these students must be getting GOVERNMENT STUDENT LOANS... at least I would imagine that to be the case.
So, BITING THE HAND THAT EDUCATES YOU.... I think that this is sickening! If these were my kids, I'd be extremely embarrassed. They're not my kids and I'm already extremely embarrassed! It would appear that the next wave of Functioning American Adults will be very different from the generation that built and maintained this great country for decades.
Someone told me that every civilization falls. I know that this is true, but I would imagine that it would be in the best interests of all American Citizens to work toward a society that gets along and works together toward a common goal of building a strong, financially secure civilization that can ward off terrorist, foreign and domestic. At least that's what one would hope for..
I say this: let's rally around the flag. It is the one icon of our country that we can all protect. Despite which party is residing in the White House or is controlling the Senate and Congress, let's take the opportunity to build up a National Pride that we can all support and get behind. Put a flag out on your lawn, wear an American Flag Lapel pin, wear a funky Stars and Stripes pair of sunglasses, just do something to let each other know that we have a sense of American Pride. For all her faults, she is still the greatest country in the nation!