Thursday, July 19, 2012

A little more about me....

Well, the last time I posted a blog, I was giving a little info about myself.
Living in Central Florida, I get to see a lot when it comes to the Medical Field and at times, I scratch my head wondering; "Where does all the money go?"

I unfortunately have a sick brother and mother whom I live with and care for. Were it not for the VA and my mothers insurance coverage, we'd not be able to even have a roof over our heads. I personally have other relatives who do not have medical insurance and go without any treatment or medications.

Hence the question.... How is it that we(The United States of America), who educate the worlds medical professionals and House the worlds Pharmaceutical companies, have the greatest need for medical care?????!!!!

 I have been blessed to always have had and still do, have medical insurance. That's not true for my parents and numerous other relatives. I find myself watching the battle on television, TIME magazine, various other internet news sources on OBAMA-Care. I am not a supporter or fan of the man, but I am grateful, that he cares enough about medical care for those without. NO AMERICAN CITIZEN, should ever be denied or shipped out of a medical center for lack of insurance.

I am not now, nor have I ever been a Socialist. I am, in fact a registered Republican. I don't vote the party, I vote the man. I have gone against my party for some candidates. Bill Clinton, Jerry Brown, Gray Davis, Kathleen Brown, and numerous others. I also have supported Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Richard Riordan, Steve Soberoff and numerous other Republicans. I'd love to see James Baker in the White House in some capacity. I hope that Mitt Romney wins the White House this year. BUT, I also hope that the Medical Care that has been provided by our current President, continues to exist. They have called it a TAX.
Well, lets think about that...

If I had done my homework better, I think we could find a way to fund the Health Care Bill without raising any taxes. I would like to see our county CUT it's spending by re-examining the monies that are sent overseas to countries that are less than friendly to us. I think that The Government should go back to how it used to be when Representatives and Senators were not paid wholly by the taxes of it's citizens/constituents; but instead allow our lawmakers more time to work in their respective fields by cutting the amount of time they need to be in the Capitol.

This would mean less time for them to argue and prolong(need I say procrastinate) the available time for issues and whatever else to be ironed out. Cut the pay of our lawmakers, which would probably weed out all of the people involved in our Government who are there for their own AGENDAS'(That's a whole different conversation!), which would allow individuals who truly want to be of service to their respective constituents to move to the forefront of service positions. 

PUBLIC SERVICE SHOULD NOT BE A JOB!!! Public Service, should be a calling. A stipend should be provided, for travel, hotels, food, etc. Those who serve our country... should also engage in participating in our society by allowing them to be in the work force, in whatever capacity they see fit.

More later....

Monday, July 16, 2012

The first of many(maybe)...

Who is Al Carrales? That's a great question. Sometimes I don't know if I am aware of who I am and I'm me! I spend my life observing individuals who choose to recreate at The Happiest Place on Earth. I am blessed to be one of the few people on Eart that actually enjoys their job. My life is a bit complicated, but not complicated socially. I am from Southern California. I grew up in a small area of the world famous San Fernando Valley. In the beginning, it was nice, but as I got older, it became a haven for gangs, drug dealers and other undesireables. I am indeed blessed to have made it out of there relatively unscathed. I think I owe this to my family and education. I never found it necessary or even enjoyable to indulge in imbibing alcohol, or participating in casual drug use. I guess, growing up, I was rather boring. My family is a small one. In its origin, it was small. My mom, Mina, Dad, Alfonso and my brother, Roy. There are a few more now and life has changed a lot. I don't get involved in politics and I try not to be judgmental regarding topics that I am not well informed in. I do however, have strong feelings on the effects of politics on the general public. Not that politics really have a direct effect on me. I just think that people need to not be so easily swayed or mislead by silver tongued politicians who speak and mislead people professionally. I think as this blog evolves, I may occasionally have some golden nuggets worth reading. But for now, this is all. More on me AND my observations later... Nite all!