Monday, July 16, 2012

The first of many(maybe)...

Who is Al Carrales? That's a great question. Sometimes I don't know if I am aware of who I am and I'm me! I spend my life observing individuals who choose to recreate at The Happiest Place on Earth. I am blessed to be one of the few people on Eart that actually enjoys their job. My life is a bit complicated, but not complicated socially. I am from Southern California. I grew up in a small area of the world famous San Fernando Valley. In the beginning, it was nice, but as I got older, it became a haven for gangs, drug dealers and other undesireables. I am indeed blessed to have made it out of there relatively unscathed. I think I owe this to my family and education. I never found it necessary or even enjoyable to indulge in imbibing alcohol, or participating in casual drug use. I guess, growing up, I was rather boring. My family is a small one. In its origin, it was small. My mom, Mina, Dad, Alfonso and my brother, Roy. There are a few more now and life has changed a lot. I don't get involved in politics and I try not to be judgmental regarding topics that I am not well informed in. I do however, have strong feelings on the effects of politics on the general public. Not that politics really have a direct effect on me. I just think that people need to not be so easily swayed or mislead by silver tongued politicians who speak and mislead people professionally. I think as this blog evolves, I may occasionally have some golden nuggets worth reading. But for now, this is all. More on me AND my observations later... Nite all!

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