Thursday, December 20, 2012

Newtown, CT

Just a small note about the CT school shooting.  As tragic as it was, the search for the reasons is most likely going to be futile.  Evil doesn't need a reason, just opportunity. I often wonder how many individuals who engage in heinous acts have any idea of what they do. I would imagine that the number is low.
With the tragedy in Newtown, this past week, everyone is understandably upset.  Let this not lead us to rash decisions.  We will mourn the loss of the twenty innocents who were taken away so early from us.  We will try to understand why; though I don't think we'll ever come to any conclusion.
Some individuals who commit these types of crimes have an agenda, or have been desensitized of violence and carnage due to immersion in movies and video games.  That's what happens when a society relies on television and SONY to baby sit their children.
Still some, have an emptiness; something needing filling. Performing some sort of evil deed, may help alleviate this hollowness.
Personally, I feel so sorry for the individuals who were taken away so young; I feel even more for those that they left behind. May the Lord smile upon them and ease their suffering.
More and more, people need to understand that we ourselves, are responsible for our own safety. We cannot rely on the police and other law enforcement agencies to provide our daily protection.
What occurred in Newtown, CT isn't something that was unexpected; I think the part of the country that it occurred in is surprising; but, not that surprising. Columbine, Aurora, Tucson, Virginia Tech, The Amish School in PA and so many others have been leading up to this. This occurring at anytime is a tragedy to say the least. This occurring during the holiday season just makes it that much worse.
My heart, filled with sorrow goes out to them. I hope during this Season of wonder and fellowship, that we can all remember these unfortunate families in our prayers.
Merry Christmas, everyone; may God bless us all.

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