Friday, February 8, 2013

My thoughts on Sandy Hook's child exploitation..

My Thoughts on….

The Sandy Hook Children: I am a self proclaimed News Junkie. I own it; admit it and enjoy it. I have, like the rest of the nation no doubt; such a feeling of sorrow for all those that were lost and all those they left behind in that senseless shooting.
However, if appearances are worth anything; the survivors look great. They have been making the rounds on television as of late; the Super bowl, The Grammy's later this week and a few other events. I think it’s awesome that they are healing so well; I only hope that all of this attention they’re getting doesn't hurt them when every one is finished exploiting them. And yes, I wrote the word EXPLOITING.

Our inept leader in the White House has an agenda; and I for one, believe he is behind all of this Sandy Hook attention. I believe that these children will continue to fuel his plans for quite a while to come. I hope I’m wrong; but I am usually not.

When one stops to look at our world around us and particularly our nation; it would seem quite coincidental how all of these incidents are falling right into place and more than that, everything that is happening, seems to be supporting Obamas’ agenda. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m full of dung; I don’t know. What I do know is that the children of Sandy Hook underwent a traumatic, life altering experience. Some of the notoriety that they are receiving is therapeutic; however some of it isn’t. When the controlling powers are finished with them, they’ll be thrown to the back burner and that’s when they’ll have to contend with all the loss and sadness that they have been avoiding. It sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me; not that anyone did.

Keep the people and children of Sandy Hook in your thoughts and prayers, America; I don’t think the political machine in the White House is.

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