Monday, September 24, 2012

Wake Up, America!

Barack Obama is a man of words... Talk, from which results little, if any actions.
Mitt Romney, is not a man who expresses himself well with words and in my opinion, he doesn't have to; Mitt Romney is a man of action.

I, like many am awaiting the presidential debates. I expect that Obama will woo the masses with his silvery tongue. Barack Hussein Obama, speaks and stirs people as if he is the return of the anti-christ himself. Evil personified. A man who instigates trouble and divisiveness in all that he does.

What form of leader leaves its citizens abroad in harms way, while he himself, travels the country as if on some tour, like some rock star, bolstering his ego with his adoring fans throwing themselves at his feet.

I have a few issues with the President. I don't know if my gripes are valid. I don't even know if I have a right to express them, but here goes anyway.

"Change, has come to America..." This is what the president said on the night he was elected. I would like to stay on this point for a minute.

Change, implies something different, augmented, refreshed... I could quote Roget's all day, but in essence, a change of the policies and operation of our nation on what one would assume would transpire on a daily basis. I admit, CHANGE rarely occurs overnight; especially when it comes to the daily operation of a Super Power.
However, in the presidents defense, he didn't specify if it was going to be a positive, economy boosting, pride rejuvenating change. Perhaps he was thinking of a more defense deteriorating, pride squashing, economic destroying change, leading to socio-political devision inducing, energy depending country, well then; he followed through.

I am not an idiot; i know the president didn't go out to intentionally cause the nations financial ruination, the honest truth is that he wasn't prepared to be a leader. One can't fault him for that. You could finger point at those who elected him. 2008 was a lean year for candidates. McCain/Palin, may not have been any better for us. A democratic ticket with Hillary Clinton on top, may have been significantly better. Hillary, would've come with Bill. A brilliant mind. I do believe that we'd be in a far more stable economy and
likely an internationally more stable environment.

Back to our current inhabitant of The White House. I love the stars and stripes... I go so far as having a pair of stars and stripes Converse. I wear hats, shirts, pins, even bandanas, depicting the stars and stripes.
Something that bothered me early on was Barack Obamas hesitance to wear a stars and stripes lapel pin. I mean to tell you, this really bothered me. If, he as a politician was not representing his country; who was he representing? Who was he trying NOT to offend? It makes me wonder.

The President was elected in a time when the nation was crippled by terrorism, the lack of a strong President the previous eight years, a deteriorating economy and a lack of trust in America's resolve.
One would think, that in such a climate, a new president would speak words of hope and strive to stir our citizens to work together to restore the luster of our country.  One would've hoped he would choose to invest in the U.S.; not just the United States, but in US. We the people, the tired, oppressed, depressed, confused, those of us who were looking for a leader who not just spoke to the masses, but one who would lead the people by example.

The president, needs to have a backbone. A backbone to stand up to our enemies, but also to stand up to our citizens. President Obama, should concern himself with the nations fragile economy. The void of leadership. The security of our Country.
These are big problems, with no easy remedy.

First, TAKE CARE OF bUSiness! America will NEVER, EVER, be healthy when we rely on others, who have not America's best interest at heart, to supply our energy needs.
We have allies, who are desperate to help us. The Canada Pipeline; why does it not exist yet?!?! How much do we spend on foreign oil annually? In August of 2012, 39 BILLION DOLLARS! I will say that again; in august of 2012, 39 BILLION DOLLARS!
56 percent of the crude oil we use, is imported. How much does this cost us as Americans? More on that later.

Any one of these issues, would make any moderately intelligent individual scratch their heads and go, "hmmm,"; any MODERATELY INTELLIGENT individual. Watch the news lately? People watch in town lately? Wake up America; we are dreaming if we think we are in as good a shape as our leaders say we are.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I, like many other people around our nation, need to know NOW; what is going on with us???? How can we allow savages around the world to MURDER our diplomats abroad? How can we befriend and protect, support these individuals who turn on us over a VIDEO on YOUTUBE??? America, it is time to WAKE UP!!! We are being sold down the river by those in charge(names need not be mentioned!)!

When a member of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD was elected to lead Egypt, our    inept leader, responds, "Thank God!" ???? I'm sorry; I know that we are a nation, who at the moment is somewhat of a leader in the world... however, our civilization is FALLING! The time has come for us as a nation, a people, to worry about OURSELVES!

The notion of spreading Democracy around the world to those people who have never known it, and probably never will, needs to be put to rest. Let us as a country embrace energy independence, let us embrace our own diversity and learn to accept one another here in the United States, BEFORE we reach out to other parts of the world, who want not our assistance in installing democracy, but instead want our currency to strengthen their economies.... all this as ours deteriorates... WAKE UP AMERICA, call your representatives, senators and friends, relatives and anyone else that will listen... We are, on our own!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

RNC/DNC- is there a real difference?

It would appear that everyone is currently engaged in viewing all of the promises spewing from the conventions that we are in the middle of. I am one that will debate politics with myself in my room, when I feel like arguing. Sometimes, my chihuaua, Chico will debate me, but he can't keep up. In my humble opinion(which is like noses, everyone has one), I am surprised that all out brawls don't occur during these expositions of American Politics.

I come from a long line of Republicans. My grandfather, Pedro, was very involved in politics during his lifetime. He loved Nixon and knew Lloyd Bentsen in his youth. I remember growing up listening to his views on socio-political philosophies and how our country was dying... This back in the 1970's. I never really gave politics any real thought; I was like everyone else around me, just repeating what my family and family of friends repeated. In my fathers opinion, all politicians were crooks. All out for themselves. If there was anyone with integrity and courage to do the right thing for our country, they were silenced or overshadowed by the individuals that were in possession of the wealth.
My dad was a smart man. I should have told him that more often.

In the days past, politicians were elected officials who actually had jobs, lives and responsibilities that went beyond their constituents. These individuals that represented us in the Capitol, lived their lives, going to work, coming home to their loved ones, occasionally meeting with the individuals that elected them into office. No longer... Politics is big business. Let me say that again, POLITICS IS BIG BUSINESS! I don't think our founders intended for our representatives to make a career out of public service. Perhaps we as a society should contemplate that. I know I will. Happy Convention Watching!