Wednesday, September 5, 2012

RNC/DNC- is there a real difference?

It would appear that everyone is currently engaged in viewing all of the promises spewing from the conventions that we are in the middle of. I am one that will debate politics with myself in my room, when I feel like arguing. Sometimes, my chihuaua, Chico will debate me, but he can't keep up. In my humble opinion(which is like noses, everyone has one), I am surprised that all out brawls don't occur during these expositions of American Politics.

I come from a long line of Republicans. My grandfather, Pedro, was very involved in politics during his lifetime. He loved Nixon and knew Lloyd Bentsen in his youth. I remember growing up listening to his views on socio-political philosophies and how our country was dying... This back in the 1970's. I never really gave politics any real thought; I was like everyone else around me, just repeating what my family and family of friends repeated. In my fathers opinion, all politicians were crooks. All out for themselves. If there was anyone with integrity and courage to do the right thing for our country, they were silenced or overshadowed by the individuals that were in possession of the wealth.
My dad was a smart man. I should have told him that more often.

In the days past, politicians were elected officials who actually had jobs, lives and responsibilities that went beyond their constituents. These individuals that represented us in the Capitol, lived their lives, going to work, coming home to their loved ones, occasionally meeting with the individuals that elected them into office. No longer... Politics is big business. Let me say that again, POLITICS IS BIG BUSINESS! I don't think our founders intended for our representatives to make a career out of public service. Perhaps we as a society should contemplate that. I know I will. Happy Convention Watching!

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