Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I, like many other people around our nation, need to know NOW; what is going on with us???? How can we allow savages around the world to MURDER our diplomats abroad? How can we befriend and protect, support these individuals who turn on us over a VIDEO on YOUTUBE??? America, it is time to WAKE UP!!! We are being sold down the river by those in charge(names need not be mentioned!)!

When a member of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD was elected to lead Egypt, our    inept leader, responds, "Thank God!" ???? I'm sorry; I know that we are a nation, who at the moment is somewhat of a leader in the world... however, our civilization is FALLING! The time has come for us as a nation, a people, to worry about OURSELVES!

The notion of spreading Democracy around the world to those people who have never known it, and probably never will, needs to be put to rest. Let us as a country embrace energy independence, let us embrace our own diversity and learn to accept one another here in the United States, BEFORE we reach out to other parts of the world, who want not our assistance in installing democracy, but instead want our currency to strengthen their economies.... all this as ours deteriorates... WAKE UP AMERICA, call your representatives, senators and friends, relatives and anyone else that will listen... We are, on our own!

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