Friday, February 27, 2015

The loss of an Icon..
Anyone who has ever spent any time at Walt Disney World in the last ten years, would be surprised should they visit Disneys' Hollywood Studios today. The Sorcerers Hat, which graced Hollywood Blvd, and loomed off in the distance welcoming guests magically at the gateway to the different zones of the park, is now gone. The loss of the great big, beautiful blue hat donned with sparkling stars has now given way to the Hollywood style theater of The Great Movie Ride. TGMR is an attractive building, but it is in no way an icon. It is the building of a ride, a good, but it is still not an icon.
Things change all over. This change saddens me, because it was my favorite icon. Sure the Castle at the Magic Kingdom is beautiful, as is the Tree of Life at Disneys' Animal Kingdom. Spaceship Earth at EPCOT is awesome, in all of its' futuristic glory.. but the Sorcerers Hat was greater than them all. Maybe that was the problem. Perhaps it was too great. In my opinion, it did outshine The Castle, The Tree and perhaps even Spaceship Earth.. It housed the pin trading store, was a backdrop to the Entertainment Stage during ESPN weekends, Star Wars Weekends, Super Soap Weekends and of course on New Years Eve. The stage placement there now, I believe, will be less spectacular.
As I have heard it, the Sorcerers Hat was never supposed to be there permanently, it was a loaner from Disneyland Paris; a gift to the park which showcases the magic of Film-making and animation. After all, The Sorcerers Hat was the star of Disneys' Fantasia! But it has, alas, been cast aside, not to enhance the image of a major theme park, but to perhaps make it a bit more dull. I think it is a shame.
True, change is a part of life, I for one, don't really like it. I think that change at times is over-rated. There are those that would think that I am incorrect in my thinking, but that's okay. People have different opinions. Mine surely aren't always correct. I own it. Opinions are those amazing things that can be expressed in almost any situation, i.e. "Coke is way better than Pepsi!", arguable, but in my OPINION, true. A wise individual once stated, "Opinions are like     @$$holes, everyone has one.." Once again, true. Not nice to say, but; it gets ones point across.
I am quite saddened to see the Sorcerers Hat leave Disneys' Hollywood Studios, I will miss it looming off in the distance when I enter the park. I hope that Disney finds a place of honor for its next home.


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