Friday, April 12, 2013

Going Back

I think it's interesting when I watch the news, read TIME or any other periodical, where the topics read, despite the content, ____ -control... This sentence relays to me that something, no matter what it is, has been allowed to grow, OUT OF CONTROL. We can put many words into the blank,  
such as gun, spending, immigrant, drug, birth, just choose almost any topic; chances are, it will fill in the blank.
The news as of late, short of KOREA, has been filled with the term GUN-CONTROL. I think that this is a crock of fecal matter. Listen to this, America; THERE IS NO GOING BACK! I know that many of you have heard this comment before. Guns, drugs, illegal immigrant guests whom have overstayed their welcome, teen sex, tobacco, any of dozens of concerns to our citizens.
Let's choose; oh, I don't know, gun control... 
We, as americans, have the RIGHT to keep and bare arms. Our founding fathers carefully scripted this RIGHT into our Constitution to enable us to protect ourselves from an over-zealous, tyranny filled government with the intention of inhibiting the rights of its citizens.
Should we ever find ourselves against a government focused on shaving down our rights, like controlling the types of arms we keep, the accessories that go with them, we, would have a way of defending ourselves against these people who have access to military type assault weapons. 
So, for all of you people who run around the country to any individual with a camera, THAT is why we should be allowed to have these types of weapons.
IMAGINE(if you can), how easy it would be for an army or National Guard Unit, to move in to a town protected by a bunch of people trying to protect it's city or town with shotguns, and LOW CAPACITY magazine taking rifles! Not very fair; even with high round capacity magazines, it still wouldn't compete with assault rifles being yielded by government troops, that happen to also have grenade launchers, mini guns and air support capabilities.
Do you want proof of what a nation held on leash would be like? Take a look at NORTH KOREA, where her citizens receive no outside news, information or entertainment. Citizens whom are FORCED to have a photo of their leader up in a place of prominence for all to WORSHIP! Literally. WORSHIP!?! Really?!?! I can think of an AMERICAN leader who would love to give himself GOD status. It might work except for the people who may despise him and are able to defend themselves against anyone who may be able to defend against a move like this... 
DON'T THINK, that he wouldn't fancy this for himself... There are already HOLLYWOOD NUTJOBS who refer to him as "OUR LORD AND SAVIOR__________ __________". I think he would need just a nudge to move him into DICTATOR status. More on this later....

Amnesty is a tricky thing. It would allow illegal guest immigrants to stay, without having gone through any of the LEGAL steps it takes to become a citizen of our quickly deteriorating country.
I know, and I hope you do as well, that without immigrants, our country would not exist. We'd literally be many nations of NATIVES, still running the prairies and living as one with nature(sounds like an improvement already!), not ever imagining a world filled with cars, airplanes, internet, video games and politicians who do the most asinine things in the name of democracy and humanitarianism. 
I know that our illegal immigrant guests give back to our country in purchases and such, but they also cost our nation in health care, food subsidies and border security. At last count there were 
over 10 MILLION illegal guest immigrants in our nation. In my opinion, that is at least 10 Million too many. 

I grew up in Southern California, where you can't throw a rock without hitting an IGI. They provide much to our culture; food, music, and let's not forget lawn care and dish-washing. Most, that I was acquainted with anyway, were very nice people who wanted nothing more than to live and work, and be able to provide for their families. 
At one time, in Southern California, you could pull up to any street corner intersection, especially if there was a HOME DEPOT or any other hardware giant nearby and pick up a few guys who were willing to come work at your home or location for $40 dollars a day. They were called day laborers and would do anything that you needed doing. As inflation grew, their price moved to $80 dollars a day. Now, one could argue, that these people were taking jobs from HARD WORKING AMERICANS; but, in truth, they performed the tasks that no american would want to do. So, in reality, they really aren't hurting anyone. I think it would be nice if they payed taxes.
They don't. Most live off of the grid, not known to anyone except the families they live with and sometimes to their local clergy, for these individuals are very religious. 
So, on a daily basis, these individuals to to work, come home and eat. Some do go to the CANTINAS to blow off some steam, but many, those with families in their home countries, live on a diet of beans, cheese, tortillas; maybe some rice, different juices. They survive on the bare minimum so as to have funds to send home on payday.

Our elected officials want to send them back. My only question is, HOW? 10 MILLION IGI's in our country. Know this, America, no one is going anywhere. There are too many to send back. 
Find a way to document them and have them pay taxes. Charge taxes to those who employ them and exploit them. Of course, once they can legally work and deserve a higher wage, employers will stop employing them and they'll be unemployed, thus having no other recourse but to go home or elsewhere looking for employment.
To our elected officials trying to tackle this endeavor, good luck. More on this at a later time.

There are many topics/issues that need to be addressed. I don't see us going back to the good ol' days where we were the land of promise, milk and honey, or whatever phrase you would like to use to describe us. That time is over. There is no going back; but we do have to look forward; forward to living together in harmony, with respect for the cultures and lives of one another. In this country, in some places, that's no easy task. We have to look at what we're doing in the middle east and why are we still there. We must decide on what America wants to be, the worlds police(not to mention largest borrower) or does she want to be a country that truly cares for her citizens and provides them with a wonderful country to live in. So many choices. I know that deep down, americans know what is right; they just want to do what's easy. That time will end and probably soon. The main question then will be, WHAT NOW?

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