Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thougths and Ramblings..

A Few Thoughts Before Bed...
I have a few ideas running through my mind right now. I am really tired. It has been a great week for me, but yesterday the cold just kicked my butt. I am glad to have the next couple of days off. There is a lot going on in our nation, not to mention the world.. I think I will take my own advice and just focus on our nation for now…
1. I don’t care who you choose to marry, spend your life with or love; I don’t think the Government should either. We live in a time where things must change. It is no longer just vanilla, chocolate or strawberry; we have new flavors! I don’t think that it matters who or what you choose to love; I think that the important thing is that you CHOOSE to LOVE. May the SCOTUS find it’s courage to make the right decision for our nation at this time of transition and growth.
2. That Nutjob in Colorado who took all those lives of the individuals watching the BATMAN movie has decided to join the real world and communicate his desire to plea bargain to save him from the Death Penalty! Isn’t that convenient? He has somehow found his sanity to save his pitiful life! I personally, DO NOT BELIEVE in the Death Penalty; I have my reasons for that. Perhaps it stems from my religious upbringing or the fact that I just don’t believe it is our job to take the lives of those incarcerated. HOWEVER; I believe that this individual should be dipped in a tank full of hungry piranha, limb by limb…. That’s All.
3. I saw our illustrious leader on television the other day, at a ceremony naturalizing new American Citizens. Amongst these newly naturalized citizens were a dozen or so Military Personnel. 
Good for them! Congratulations and welcome to our country!
HOWEVER, with the sequestration affecting every other aspect of our country’s daily operation; shouldn’t Barry have waited to bring in new Citizens until all of this SEQUESTRATION drama has been settled??? After all, we have Air Traffic Control Towers that are currently unmanned. We have school children being turned away from The White House after planning months in advance to visit the domicile of the President and his Family; because of the SEQUESTRATION…. Really, Barry? You couldn’t put this photo op on hold for a few weeks or months?
I guess the SEQUESTRATION only affects what Obama wants affected. I saw on CNN that his family had a very nice vacation in the Bahamas! Couldn’t they, shouldn’t they have vacationed domestically to save a few TAX PAYER DOLLARS?!
I mean, what’s wrong with Walt Disney World? Universal Studios? Skiing in Aspen? Maybe even touring New York to see a Musical, some museums and maybe even touring the still un-repaired areas that were devastated by Super Storm Sandy, last year? It could’ve been educational as well as relaxing!
Just wanted to get my thoughts out before I lost them somewhere in DreamLand.

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