Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Go For It!

I remember my first ever union meeting when I was in the Society of Film Composers and Lyricists. Everyone was in the process of forming this union for those of us who worked in film and television. Someone stood up and started to speak and as I recall he was a member of the Writers Guild based in Hollywood, California. He said some poignant statements. One being that ALL writers, despite your genre or writing tools are faced with that same blank page that stares you in the face; one has to create the art that goes onto that blank page.

This is not an easy thing. For one; sometimes; some people have so many things floating through their mind that they know not what to put on that page. For that reason, we prioritize. One would just hope that the words we put onto that page, forms into something that other people will find stimulating and illuminating enough to compel them to read this work; am additionally, help these readers find some joy in reading these words that people put down on paper.

I know very few people actually use paper anymore; more often than not, people create their opuses on laptops, desktops and ipads or some other sort of tablet device. With the help of a Bluetooth keyboard, sometimes, I create notes on my smart phone and email the note to my yahoo account where I can then cut and past it into my word software, then I could fine tune whatever it is that I am working on. That is not the case with this note; I am actually sitting at my laptop, watching CNN and contemplating exactly what I want to say. 

I keep a folder on my computer filled with ideas for notes, blogs, essays… There are a lot of ideas! However, I don’t know how much of these thoughts really belong outside of my head. I have thoughts about the sequestration, the papal conclave, Bloomberg’s attack on sugary drinks and junk food, and so many other things that people most likely don’t really give any thought to. People other than myself anyway.

The worse thing is, when I’m asleep in the middle of the night (which I enjoy immensely), and I suddenly awaken with some crazy idea for a note topic and I have to sit up and make a file on the ipad. When I finally get back to that topic; the enthusiasm and drive is gone; my thoughts have moved on to something else. Go figure.

I find the same to be true when I’m currently occupied with a project and a piece of music; a germ to say, makes itself present in my mind. I feel compelled to immediately run to my mini-disc recorder and hum or sing my little musical germ to see if it grows into some sort of musical infection (lol!).

As I mentioned earlier, all creators; writers, composers, authors, reporters, etc. are faced with that empty page for which to put on their opus. One of my favorite directors/writer/author/actor and all around great guy, Kevin Smith of Silent Bob fame, once made the comment when it comes to creating something was “Why Not?” do it; just go for it and don’t look back.

This does open a can of worms. Within all of us, there is an invisible barrier; a line, a wall, a crevice, canyon, river, ocean or stream that holds us back from going all out. I know this because just when I am about to let it all out; to go for it; I run straight into that damn wall! Really; what could happen if I write something so eye opening or jaw dropping? What could it really do? Compel people to think? Compel people to talk and contemplate the thoughts that run deep through our minds? I don’t see how that could be a bad thing.

I personally have been aware of this barrier for quite some time. I have sat and pondered how I am going to breach this barrier. It would be awesome if I could go into my psyche to lay waste to this invisible limiter, either with a RPG or some C-4 and a remote detonator; however, this is impossible. I think that the only way to truly defeat this barrier is to take it head on with an Abrams Tank. Just punch through it and keep going. This is what I am going to have to do in order to breach this barrier and discover my true ability.
This undertaking is scary, but necessary.

I continue to work toward this goal. I invite all of you to also undertake this endeavor. Imagine a world full of people who don’t hold back; what an interesting world we’d find ourselves in.

More later!

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