Monday, March 4, 2013

The Daily Dribble

So, I haven't written anything in a while; I don’t really know why. I try to stay away from the computer for a while sometimes. Of course, there is still the ipod, ipad and droid; they all have some form of online capabilities. Anyway, in the interim, life has been okay; mom is doing better and Roy is well, thankfully. Chico is doing great though he is a bit sad that Amber and Jon went home yesterday. I sometimes feel bad for the little guy because he loves Amber so much. I know he'll feel better when Amber moves in with us at the beginning of summer. Chico is so much fun to have around the house most of the time. Sometimes he does get a bit irritating when he demands that I take him outside, even though, Roy or Mom have already done so.
There are moments that I am extremely thrilled that I have Cheeks in my life. I really miss him when he is hanging out with Amber when she visits. I guess I just have gotten used to having him around all the time. I do know that he loves Amber so very much. After all, he left his family and came across country for her. Other than mom and sometimes, Roy, I don't have too many people to talk to at home; that is the cost of being a-social or as I call it; a cave hermit. I love to spend my time at home in my room. I have all the luxuries necessary, except for a mini-fridge or a microwave oven. I don't really need those though, because I am only a few steps away from the kitchen; when we finally move in July that may be different. I will contemplate having those items then. But right now...
I have been watching the news with so much going on in the world in the last week. Car chases and shootings in Las Vegas, the Pope retiring; unprecedented; the nation about to come to a standstill over some financial sequester that Obama set up years ago, which could lead to tens of thousands of people to be furloughed out of work.
Through all of this, people are going on their merry way. It is as if people don’t care about what goes on outside of their little realm of life.  Maybe it’s better that way; just worry about yourself. We as a nation are no longer worried about each other.  We worry only about ourselves and it’s starting show. There is no camaraderie as there once was amongst us. I fail to see any type of brotherhood amongst Americans. I don’t think that there is a binding spirit that will continue to hold us together as time goes on; and I wonder what will happen when the shit hits the fan, how we will get each other through it; how America will continue to be great or even find it’s greatness that it once had. America needs to awaken and see that things are not wonderful in this once great land. We need to see it; and act upon it; and quickly.
The Catholic Church(of which I am a member of), is going through so much right now. Everyone is quick to judge the priests, cardinals and anyone else connected with the Church. Benedict the XIV is slated to leave the Vatican tonight. He is going into a self-imposed exile. The details make it sound like he’s going into incarceration. The original news story was that he planned on living out the rest of his days back in Germany with his brother; a quiet life filled with all of the things he enjoyed in his youth. However, the Vatican has other plans for him. Instead, for the next few months he will be residing in the Papal Summer Home, sans ring, and red shoes. He will be wearing a pair of brown shoes that were given to him on his recent visit to Mexico. He will dress in a simple white cassock with no symbols of his once esteemed position in the church. In a few months, he will go to live in a convent that is being remodeled for him to live out the rest of his days. He will carry the title of “Pontificus Emeritus” or “His Holiness”.
I mentioned to mom, if it were me; I’d leave the priesthood, and go live my life as a commoner; a lay person who would be able to enjoy his life; what’s left of it, anyway.
I do understand why this is happening. It would be very hard to live in peace; people following you around, reporters questioning you on every move the church makes. It’s not like the world would respect his privacy. I wish him well; as well as his replacement; he’ll need it.
It is going to be interesting to see how the Catholic Church changes over the next few years. I remember when Cardinal Ratzinger took over as Pope Benedict; it was said then, that due to his heightened age, he would be a transition-era pope. Hopefully, the College of the Cardinals will conclave and choose a young, strong, intelligent replacement for Benedict; a Pope that will see the world with fresh eyes. I think that the Church and the world need that.
My little piece of the world is much simpler than what goes on around me. I am fortunate in that manner. I go to work, come home, eat, sleep, take care of mom and Roy; Chico too; spend time watching TV in my man-cave; mostly it’s a cush life. Of course, my life isn’t perfect. There are some aspects to my life that are stressful; not a lot, but some, like most people on Earth.
I think sometimes; I like many other people on Earth, make mountains out of mole-hills.  I am a very blessed individual.  I try not to forget that. Sometimes, I do. I am resolved to be grateful for every moment of my life for the rest of my life. I want to accept my life as it comes and try to regulate it to be as positive for everyone around me as I possibly can.  More later…

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