Thursday, October 25, 2012

Watching TV, Food and Wine and other stuff...


It has been a fun week. Like many, I’ve been watching television. Finally caught up on Once Upon A Time, wow, love where the show’s going. I really enjoy watching HOMELAND on Showtime; this too is an awesome show.
I also have been watching the news and people watching when I have the opportunity.
Do you ever look at the attire people choose to wear when going out? I often do this and ask myself, “Self; who dresses these people?” “Who are these people?”
I was able to spend some time at the EPCOT Food And Wine Exposition last Thursday and decided to try out some of the food that were offered by the hosting nations. I liked the Argentinean Empanada; spicy, but good. I’m not really a Pork eater, so I didn’t try Hawaii’s Pork, Pineapple slider. It did sound good though.
I was able to try out the Key Limen (that’s what it’s called) Wine, made by a Florida winery. I don’t drink alcohol, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to. I thought it was okay. I could not see myself buying a bottle to drink here at home. In reality, I enjoy my un-sweet Pomegranate Iced Tea. It was interesting though.
While I am on this topic, boring as it may be; I managed to get my favorite dessert while I was strolling EPCOT. It was in Japan; it is called a Kagagori(sp). In the past; it was an AMAZING fluffy shaved ice with incredible flavors such as melon, tangerine, cherry and a couple of others; no Kirin though. I stopped to buy one(a shaved ice, not a Kirin) and was VERY DISAPPOINTED when I dug into it. It was awful! The ice was as course as an American Snow Cone. This ruined my day. I know, it’s trivial; but I was so looking forward to it. I decided to head to France to get a chocolate croissant at the bakery. This was good. I know what you’re thinking; why not a Funnel Cake from the American Pavilion? Well, the last time I bought one, it was a breezy day and when I turned to walk away from the Funnel Cake kiosk, a gust blew all the powdered sugar onto my face. It would've been funny if it happened to someone else. I guess it was funny TO someone else or other people who witnessed the confectionery mishap. Well, that’s why I didn't get the funnel cake.
It appears that there is a scandal brewing with the Libya stuff. In the last couple of days, emails were released by the State Department. The content of these emails appear to state that The White House (and those who occupy it/work there), were notified of the Benghazi attack in real time. This would afford the President and his Cabinet to launch drones, planes, etc. to monitor the unrest in real time.
This has set forth a vast amount of questions from the Republicans, but not so much the news agencies (except FOX). I guess the biggest point that these people are making; is that if we could see it happen; why could we not intervene? Knowing a bit about how military operations work; it does take some time to work out the logistics. In my humble opinion; this may have been avoided with a strong security detachment stationed at the embassy. I think all embassies or such offices, should have a permanent security detachment on site. Most Diplomats travel with DSA’s; Diplomatic Security Agents. These are typically former Special Forces personnel, tasked with defending our diplomats and their staff/families abroad. No such luck in the Benghazi case, though the ambassador apparently was continually pleading for such a unit. I don’t know what will come, if anything on this investigation. I can say that you don’t hear anything here about it. Most news outlets ignore any topics, stories and investigations relating to anything that paints our Inept President, unfavorably. This is nothing new. We can go back in the last three years and find dozens of stories that have been ignored by the news houses.
I don’t think that it’s fair; but this is political life in America. I truly think some big changes need to be made. More on that later.

Friday, October 19, 2012

More observations

I had a very pleasant conversation with a Haitian woman the other day, while working at the International Gateway. I was feeling a bit melancholy; I’m not sure why. However, I was standing near to this woman and she began to speak with me. She was pleasant. She had an infectious smile and then decided to begin speaking of her life.
I find it interesting how we can spend time with people; and frequently a great deal of time and still, perhaps learn nothing of the person we are interacting with.
Though we only spoke for approximately 45 minutes; she told me about growing up in Haiti. She spoke of her sister in law who was a wonderful cook. A woman from Mexico, who loved to cook for her family.
This woman, whose name I am not going to mention, began to tell me how she had a wonderful man in her life. She is aware of the many blessings in her life that God had bestowed upon her, but she knew something was missing. For many years she and her husband were trying to conceive a child. Alas, her doctor told her that she would never have a child. Of course this devastated her. I don’t think she ever mentioned it to her husband.
She told me of the sadness that this caused her and that one night, on her bus ride home, she decided to pray; to put this matter into the hands of the lord, God. As we continued to converse, a smile came upon her face as she told me “now I have two babies.”  She wiped a tear from her eye and continued to speak. She touched my shoulder and said to me, “God will take care of you. You just have to believe.”
This surprised me because I hadn't told her anything about my life. I, am incredibly adept at conversing for hours and saying nothing of any importance. Sometimes, after speaking for long periods of time, nothing that can be put together to make any type of coherence.
Though, many people don’t know this; I frequently converse with the lord. It isn’t always praying, just communing. Like I would have a conversation with anyone else. I talk to him when I’m riding the NINJA, at work, when it’s quiet. Whenever I have a quiet moment to speak to him. A lot times, I ask for things; like anyone else, and then I tell him, that I understand if the answer is no.
I spent my life in the Catholic Educational Institutions (Catholic Schools). I think that this was very good for me. I received a top level education. I don’t think that it educated me in being street wise, though. I was a very different person out of school. A bit of a misfit, you could say. I didn't know much about girls, or what was cool as far as music and television. I was confined to my house Monday through Thursdays to do homework, etc. Friday, through Sunday afternoon; I was a bit freer. It didn't matter though. When I was little, I had to go wherever mom went. Usually this meant my Grandparents, or grocery shopping, or going to J C Penny’s for shopping. So, I would get to play outside for a couple of hours a week.
This, in the beginning wasn't too fun; I wasn't as good as the other kids at bike riding or skateboarding. I didn't swear like they did; nor did I even see things that they conversed about; in the same way they did.
Skip to today. I guess I still am a bit of a misfit. I’m not like everyone else. I don’t drink, smoke, indulge in altering my reality with chemical science. I’m a homebody. I love sitting in my man-cave at my computer, writing or watching CNN, NETFLIX, Ancient Aliens, UFO HUNTERS, etc.
I listen to music, Jazz and Blues mainly, sprinkled with some TOTO, John Mayer, Dave Koz, David Foster, Dave Grusin and George Benson.
I enjoy reading, having conversations with my mom and hanging with my Roomie, The Homey Chico.
I did watch the second Presidential Debate the other night. I am sure I’ll have something to say about that one in the next incarnation of this site. For now, everyone think of something that you’re thankful for today; not the stuff that bothers us; but the stuff you are grateful for and say thanks to the Entity upstairs. He’d like that.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I love sunshine. I walked out this morning, to take Chico out for his morning stroll to empty his thimble-sized bladder and realized what a beautiful morning it is. Today is my Sunday; meaning, I go back to work tomorrow. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have a job to go to. I was having a conversation with my mom the other day and was shocked to realize that I’ve been working for 38 years now. Not solidly, but mostly.
I started working with my father in his Auto Electrical shop when I was ten. Every Saturday morning, with the exception of the last Saturday of the month, he’d get me up at 7:00 and we’d be off to work. I swept, mopped, cleaned, sorted and helped deliver parts to garages and auto part stores. I got paid well and during the summers, I’d fill in for week-long shifts when people went on vacation. I learned how to utilize tools and learned how to replace starters, alternators and all kinds of other things.
My dad would tell me during working hours, I wasn’t his son. I would chuckle and go about doing my job. Working with him and his partner, I’d learn early how important work is in ones daily life and in shaping who one would become in later life.
Dad didn’t want me to take over the family business; he wanted me to be better than that.
He often told me he didn’t want me to have dirty hands.
I think he really wanted me to be a dentist or something like that. I couldn’t do that. I don’t think I could put my hands into some strange person’s mouth on a daily basis.
My fathers hard work and mothers ability to manage money, afforded my brother, Roy and I a very good life. Private education, music lessons for me, dance lessons for Roy.
Family vacations, cars, boats motorcycles and lots of wonderful memories that we made as kids.
Not everything was wondrous. There were some problems in our family life; The Brady Bunch doesn’t exist in the real world. People change. They change political values, religions, jobs, marital status; they change their way of thinking; their values.
My family underwent this. I’ve heard that men go through changes in their 40’s. I didn’t. My dad did. He changed. He still provided and maintained the household; but he was different. I was growing up, going to school, immersed in my own life and issues. My brother continued along with mom guiding him. Dad was around less and less; I tried not to pay attention to this, but it was noticeable.
Dad had no real outlets except for us; and when we began to grow apart, I think he was a little lost. Dad loved fishing, sitting around camp-fires and BS-ing all night long. My brother and I didn’t really enjoy that. We were movie and mall and theme park kids.
Dad went through a rough time; however he never stopped working until he became too ill to work.
I’ve known people; how have NEVER held a job in their lives. They never got up early to go to a job, never had coffee and donuts with friends in the morning. They never brought home a paycheck. Some of these individuals chose to experiment with drugs and alcohol and were trapped in this endless circle of inebriation and run-ins with the law.
My best friend growing up; became one of these guys. He was an awesome worker and was brilliant in his field even when he was under the influence of whatever it may be that he was using. However, he lost his family and the respect of so many people around him. Not his party friends, who were MUCH WORSE than he was. But all this affected his life anyway. Too bad… I hear that nowadays he doesn’t do much; he was sidelined by a serious knee injury a few years ago. I hear he just sits at home and argues with his dad all day and just does his thing and waits for his settlement check to come.
I get tired of working sometimes. 38 years is a long time; and I still have about 25 years to go. Hopefully, I’ll find a way to earn an income that’s easier and maybe even home based. A friend once told me that it’s a great big world out there and that there is so much to do. My question is: how do you find the time to go out and look? When you have a daily job to go to; it’s hard to take the time to go out and look for something different. In our current job climate, it’s dangerous to make any moves. Small business owners are functioning; operating very cautiously. But, change is important in all facets of ones life to stave off stagnation. This is something I am considering right now. It is something I am perpetually contemplating. But for now; it’s my Sunday; laundry day; TV day. Maybe some reading; maybe some writing. Perhaps; I’ll just sit at the piano for a while; do a social cam video and fiddle around on twitter. Have a great day all!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Relationships... to have or not to have?

So, I was sitting on the backstage bus the other day, on my way to the International Gateway entrance and even though I was listening to my ipod, rather loudly, I could still hear the conversation of a couple of girls speaking a few seats away from me.
It appears that one of them was having trouble in her relationship with someone.
I’ve never understood much about relationships. What creates them? What feeds them? How do some endure; and why do some die swiftly; and, why do some suffer lingering misery?
I’ve never been lucky when it comes to relationships. Yes, I’ve had a couple, but never really satisfying. In my youth, I was a hopeful romantic. Now, I try not to even imagine what the possibilities could be. I would rather save my fragile heart anymore pain.
I have to go out of my way to avoid even engaging with members of the opposite sex and when I do; I have to continually remind myself that I am only in the process of making acquaintances. I met a really awesome girl at work yesterday. She was smart, witty, and attractive. She stirred something in me that haven’t stirred in a long time. It did make me contemplate what the possibilities of life could be. But, having strode down that road many times before, finding only dead ends; I enjoyed the moments we spent interacting together and continued on my way; as always.
I am the kind of man that sabotages his own relationships.
When I was a younger man, this was out of fear; not knowing if I was able to sustain and maintain a relationship with another. I always promised myself that I would never force a woman to endure pain or heartache because of me.
Everyone has that friend; the one we secretly admire and loath; the one that has no problems luring members of the opposite sex. It appears that they have their fair share and yours too. I was that person in my youth. Unfortunately it didn’t carry over to my adulthood; and my main problem was that I never got the girl I wanted; almost like my sights were off. I always got the girl to the right or the left… except for maybe once or twice… and those times were wonderful.
I have tried being myself, being someone different, whom I kinda’ was in an earlier life.
Being mysterious and worldly, dark and brooding can be alluring to the opposite sex; but in my experience, it is too exhausting to carry on for long periods of time. However, if you are looking for a short lived, exciting tryst, this may be the way to go. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is not the route I want to take. As I mature(get older), I find my needs and desires change. I no longer am looking for that burning, sensual, white-hot love affair. I want more; I want companionship. Someone to go to a move with; someone to have a conversation with; someone to enjoy a quiet night on the couch with; or even share a morning cup of coffee with as one is immersed in the morning paper or weekly edition of TIME magazine. Funny how time changes you. I find it strange how ones needs, emotionally, physically and sexually change from day to day. I wonder if anyone thinks like I do; or if I’m just totally insane? So many questions… and perhaps one day, I’ll have the answers… but probably not.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not everything is bitter....

I guess sometimes it is easy to focus on the negative. In our personal life, in society, the economy, traffic, pollution, taxes, gas prices, the cost of groceries, the work place; one could go on for ours listing everything that is wrong and the things that drive us mad.

If you listen to those who think they are in the know, you'd hear that people believe or at least they say, America's Best Days Are Behind Them. I think this is a pile of dung. Americans have been told that we are unable to compete in the new world economy. That we have grown lazy and weak, fearing hard work and casting aside innovation   common sense and a backbone. I think people abroad see us as Snooky watching, Honey Boo Boo followers who are more interested in whom Kim Kardashan is going to marry and quickie divorce next.

People abroad, and maybe even some of our own citizens think we are too immeshed in the lives of Selena and Justin. Well, I guess we could be. However, in defense of Americans everywhere, I don't think that the majority of Americas working class really gives a shit about whether or not Selena Gomez gets knocked up by Justin, or whether or not Justin splatters himself in his Lomborghini Murcielago while leading the paparazzi on a high speed chase on some Los Angeles freeway.

The world in general think of America as the place where the worlds movies and music are born. It eagerly awaits the freshest works and offerings from Kanye, Gaga, Clooney and Brangelina to experience and form their opinions on Americas p,ace in the world. These people, are chumps.

Our greatness lies not with bankers, wall street or reality show stars that more often than not embarrass themselves nightly in front of our citizens who are trying to escape the trappings of their daily lives; for at least a little while.

America's strength and power has been and always will be her citizens. America's wealth and backbone, intelligence, integrity and will, lies in her citizens. When those abroad witness the greed of wall street, politicians, bankers, corporate CEO's and CFO's, boards of directors for the fortune 500 who are more concerned for their investors bottom lines and dividends, than they are for the people who are being poisoned, radiated and forced out of family homes owned by generations before them, it's easy to think that America is falling.

I want to inform these individuals, that they are wrong. Everyday, we are in the presence of innovators. Teachers, doctors, nurses, store cashiers and everyday common folk that try to make a difference in everything they do throughout their day.

In the not too distant past, America was the greatest country in the world. We were world leaders in industry, arts, entertainment. Unfortunately, I think people put too much of their nest eggs in the care of Wall Street. This hurt us.

Americans, want a better life. We are willing to work for it. I just don't think that we know what we need to work at. Small business is struggling, major industry pays next to nothing. I think small community based private business's is the way to go.

Apparently, the jobs number reflects a drop in those who are unemployed. I think that the new number is skewed. We need the innovators to lead and we also need the banks and investors to back these innovators. When Obama bailed out the financial institutions, the banks, grabbed their money and locked it in away in welded shut vaults. They should've realized the american economy needed a hand up. They didn't. This has hurt the economy greatly.

Still, Americans carry on. They watch football, baseball, have backyard barbecues, go to school, and continue to look for work. Admittedly, some people have given up looking for work and only time will tell where our economy goes. Something to look forward to, the holidays. Many stores, businesses will be adding jobs for the masses and though these jobs are mostly seasonal, some who shine and stand out amongst the rest, may be offered long term part and full time positions. Things are getting better, finally. There is still much to do and with America preparing for another Presidential election, wondering, who indeed is the right man to lead us further out of this economic abyss, we currently find ourselves in. I for one, am watching, reading, investigating the facts as best I can. I hope all of you are too!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More about me...

I am one of my favorite subjects. In a past life; I was quite comfortable being hidden away in the background. I’d go to parties, events and get togethers in large groups so I could hide in plain sight. I hated to be noticed anywhere and despised having to engage in menial, mind-numbing conversation. I was happier, sitting at my piano, riding my bike or hiding behind my Canon.
Time has changed me. I, nowadays, tend to make a spectacle of myself wherever I go.
I make an entrance; shout out to anyone in earshot, “Hi, all you happy people!”
I don’t know when exactly this change occurred. I probably shouldn’t think on it too much. It really isn’t that important.

My life was a mixture of safety and hazard. I grew up in a rather poor, gang ridden area of the San Fernando Valley. I was one of those poor people, living in Pacoima. I wasn’t poor; my dad made a very good living. My brother and I wanted for nothing. We had the music lessons, dancing lessons, played sports, had cars, motorcycles and boats. We attended private schools, traveled, vacationed and shopped at the best malls. We hung at The Beverly Center, The Westside Pavilion, Rodeo Drive and everywhere else there was to have fun. Weekends, we were at Disneyland, Magic Mountain (it wasn’t Six Flags yet!), Universal Studios, The Santa Monica Pier and all over Southern California.

As I grew into adulthood, the same pattern continued. I never was a drinker, a partier, nor did I ever experiment with drugs. Some people would think that I was boring… I guess I was. I was never excluded by my friends when they went out. I was the one who insured that everyone returned home safely. My best friend, Frank, would call me a cheap date. I’d drink unsweetened iced tea all night long; for a buck-seventy-five!

I spent my early adult life, educating and molding young lives. I worked with dual diagnosed; developementally disabled children, adolescents and teens. Later, with my friend, Frank, adults. I found my way to a Day Treatment facility where I worked for another 16 years, meeting and working with some wonderful people. My life meant something. I am one of those rare individuals, who is aware that he indeed did make a difference in many young lives. That is a feeling that I don’t think can be emulated by using any manufactured substance… except maybe a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey.

Many years later, I find myself living in Central Florida with my family. I currently am a cast member at Walt Disney World. I find it funny that this is where I end up. I love meeting people from all over the world. I basically get paid to play. The days are long; I stand all day; trying to keep my smile on my face all day, which isn’t all that difficult. Sometimes, guests can make my day difficult. Overall, I love my job. Of course; I don’t make anywhere near the money, I used to make. And I don’t spend all that much time playing in the parks like I thought I would. Back home, I was always at Disneyland.. It was my way of cultivating my sanity.

My days off are quite peaceful. Other than the running around I do, shopping and running errands with my mom, I spend time watching NETFLIX, reading books on my ipad, listening to music and talk radio. I like spending time with my Chihuahua, Chico... my room-mate, my homey… I ride my Ninja, my XOOTR; occasionally take a walk up the street. I enjoy my life. Sometimes, like many others, I wish that there was more to it. It would be nice to have someone special to come home to, that wasn’t my mom or that didn’t have four legs and a wagging tail; however, my life is what it is, and actually, despite it’s short-comings, is the life I’ve earned. I can’t blame anyone for my situation.

I used to make a very good living, but that was a lifetime ago, now. I’m fortunate, I have a place to go everyday, get paid, if you can call it that; have benefits and spend most of my day with a smile. It isn’t that bad of a life. I guess what I want to get across in this note is that no matter where you are in life, and though you can imagine yourself in a much more lucrative, desirable place in life… Most likely, your life is one that is coveted by someone much less fortunate than yourself. We recently celebrated my moms 70th birthday. I am so glad to still have her in my life. Without her, I’d be lost. I think I should tell her this more often.

So today, take stock, be thankful, and make a plan for tomorrow. If you can’t save a dollar, save a dime. If not a dime... Etc. Have a great day!