Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More about me...

I am one of my favorite subjects. In a past life; I was quite comfortable being hidden away in the background. I’d go to parties, events and get togethers in large groups so I could hide in plain sight. I hated to be noticed anywhere and despised having to engage in menial, mind-numbing conversation. I was happier, sitting at my piano, riding my bike or hiding behind my Canon.
Time has changed me. I, nowadays, tend to make a spectacle of myself wherever I go.
I make an entrance; shout out to anyone in earshot, “Hi, all you happy people!”
I don’t know when exactly this change occurred. I probably shouldn’t think on it too much. It really isn’t that important.

My life was a mixture of safety and hazard. I grew up in a rather poor, gang ridden area of the San Fernando Valley. I was one of those poor people, living in Pacoima. I wasn’t poor; my dad made a very good living. My brother and I wanted for nothing. We had the music lessons, dancing lessons, played sports, had cars, motorcycles and boats. We attended private schools, traveled, vacationed and shopped at the best malls. We hung at The Beverly Center, The Westside Pavilion, Rodeo Drive and everywhere else there was to have fun. Weekends, we were at Disneyland, Magic Mountain (it wasn’t Six Flags yet!), Universal Studios, The Santa Monica Pier and all over Southern California.

As I grew into adulthood, the same pattern continued. I never was a drinker, a partier, nor did I ever experiment with drugs. Some people would think that I was boring… I guess I was. I was never excluded by my friends when they went out. I was the one who insured that everyone returned home safely. My best friend, Frank, would call me a cheap date. I’d drink unsweetened iced tea all night long; for a buck-seventy-five!

I spent my early adult life, educating and molding young lives. I worked with dual diagnosed; developementally disabled children, adolescents and teens. Later, with my friend, Frank, adults. I found my way to a Day Treatment facility where I worked for another 16 years, meeting and working with some wonderful people. My life meant something. I am one of those rare individuals, who is aware that he indeed did make a difference in many young lives. That is a feeling that I don’t think can be emulated by using any manufactured substance… except maybe a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey.

Many years later, I find myself living in Central Florida with my family. I currently am a cast member at Walt Disney World. I find it funny that this is where I end up. I love meeting people from all over the world. I basically get paid to play. The days are long; I stand all day; trying to keep my smile on my face all day, which isn’t all that difficult. Sometimes, guests can make my day difficult. Overall, I love my job. Of course; I don’t make anywhere near the money, I used to make. And I don’t spend all that much time playing in the parks like I thought I would. Back home, I was always at Disneyland.. It was my way of cultivating my sanity.

My days off are quite peaceful. Other than the running around I do, shopping and running errands with my mom, I spend time watching NETFLIX, reading books on my ipad, listening to music and talk radio. I like spending time with my Chihuahua, Chico... my room-mate, my homey… I ride my Ninja, my XOOTR; occasionally take a walk up the street. I enjoy my life. Sometimes, like many others, I wish that there was more to it. It would be nice to have someone special to come home to, that wasn’t my mom or that didn’t have four legs and a wagging tail; however, my life is what it is, and actually, despite it’s short-comings, is the life I’ve earned. I can’t blame anyone for my situation.

I used to make a very good living, but that was a lifetime ago, now. I’m fortunate, I have a place to go everyday, get paid, if you can call it that; have benefits and spend most of my day with a smile. It isn’t that bad of a life. I guess what I want to get across in this note is that no matter where you are in life, and though you can imagine yourself in a much more lucrative, desirable place in life… Most likely, your life is one that is coveted by someone much less fortunate than yourself. We recently celebrated my moms 70th birthday. I am so glad to still have her in my life. Without her, I’d be lost. I think I should tell her this more often.

So today, take stock, be thankful, and make a plan for tomorrow. If you can’t save a dollar, save a dime. If not a dime... Etc. Have a great day!

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