Friday, October 19, 2012

More observations

I had a very pleasant conversation with a Haitian woman the other day, while working at the International Gateway. I was feeling a bit melancholy; I’m not sure why. However, I was standing near to this woman and she began to speak with me. She was pleasant. She had an infectious smile and then decided to begin speaking of her life.
I find it interesting how we can spend time with people; and frequently a great deal of time and still, perhaps learn nothing of the person we are interacting with.
Though we only spoke for approximately 45 minutes; she told me about growing up in Haiti. She spoke of her sister in law who was a wonderful cook. A woman from Mexico, who loved to cook for her family.
This woman, whose name I am not going to mention, began to tell me how she had a wonderful man in her life. She is aware of the many blessings in her life that God had bestowed upon her, but she knew something was missing. For many years she and her husband were trying to conceive a child. Alas, her doctor told her that she would never have a child. Of course this devastated her. I don’t think she ever mentioned it to her husband.
She told me of the sadness that this caused her and that one night, on her bus ride home, she decided to pray; to put this matter into the hands of the lord, God. As we continued to converse, a smile came upon her face as she told me “now I have two babies.”  She wiped a tear from her eye and continued to speak. She touched my shoulder and said to me, “God will take care of you. You just have to believe.”
This surprised me because I hadn't told her anything about my life. I, am incredibly adept at conversing for hours and saying nothing of any importance. Sometimes, after speaking for long periods of time, nothing that can be put together to make any type of coherence.
Though, many people don’t know this; I frequently converse with the lord. It isn’t always praying, just communing. Like I would have a conversation with anyone else. I talk to him when I’m riding the NINJA, at work, when it’s quiet. Whenever I have a quiet moment to speak to him. A lot times, I ask for things; like anyone else, and then I tell him, that I understand if the answer is no.
I spent my life in the Catholic Educational Institutions (Catholic Schools). I think that this was very good for me. I received a top level education. I don’t think that it educated me in being street wise, though. I was a very different person out of school. A bit of a misfit, you could say. I didn't know much about girls, or what was cool as far as music and television. I was confined to my house Monday through Thursdays to do homework, etc. Friday, through Sunday afternoon; I was a bit freer. It didn't matter though. When I was little, I had to go wherever mom went. Usually this meant my Grandparents, or grocery shopping, or going to J C Penny’s for shopping. So, I would get to play outside for a couple of hours a week.
This, in the beginning wasn't too fun; I wasn't as good as the other kids at bike riding or skateboarding. I didn't swear like they did; nor did I even see things that they conversed about; in the same way they did.
Skip to today. I guess I still am a bit of a misfit. I’m not like everyone else. I don’t drink, smoke, indulge in altering my reality with chemical science. I’m a homebody. I love sitting in my man-cave at my computer, writing or watching CNN, NETFLIX, Ancient Aliens, UFO HUNTERS, etc.
I listen to music, Jazz and Blues mainly, sprinkled with some TOTO, John Mayer, Dave Koz, David Foster, Dave Grusin and George Benson.
I enjoy reading, having conversations with my mom and hanging with my Roomie, The Homey Chico.
I did watch the second Presidential Debate the other night. I am sure I’ll have something to say about that one in the next incarnation of this site. For now, everyone think of something that you’re thankful for today; not the stuff that bothers us; but the stuff you are grateful for and say thanks to the Entity upstairs. He’d like that.

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