Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not everything is bitter....

I guess sometimes it is easy to focus on the negative. In our personal life, in society, the economy, traffic, pollution, taxes, gas prices, the cost of groceries, the work place; one could go on for ours listing everything that is wrong and the things that drive us mad.

If you listen to those who think they are in the know, you'd hear that people believe or at least they say, America's Best Days Are Behind Them. I think this is a pile of dung. Americans have been told that we are unable to compete in the new world economy. That we have grown lazy and weak, fearing hard work and casting aside innovation   common sense and a backbone. I think people abroad see us as Snooky watching, Honey Boo Boo followers who are more interested in whom Kim Kardashan is going to marry and quickie divorce next.

People abroad, and maybe even some of our own citizens think we are too immeshed in the lives of Selena and Justin. Well, I guess we could be. However, in defense of Americans everywhere, I don't think that the majority of Americas working class really gives a shit about whether or not Selena Gomez gets knocked up by Justin, or whether or not Justin splatters himself in his Lomborghini Murcielago while leading the paparazzi on a high speed chase on some Los Angeles freeway.

The world in general think of America as the place where the worlds movies and music are born. It eagerly awaits the freshest works and offerings from Kanye, Gaga, Clooney and Brangelina to experience and form their opinions on Americas p,ace in the world. These people, are chumps.

Our greatness lies not with bankers, wall street or reality show stars that more often than not embarrass themselves nightly in front of our citizens who are trying to escape the trappings of their daily lives; for at least a little while.

America's strength and power has been and always will be her citizens. America's wealth and backbone, intelligence, integrity and will, lies in her citizens. When those abroad witness the greed of wall street, politicians, bankers, corporate CEO's and CFO's, boards of directors for the fortune 500 who are more concerned for their investors bottom lines and dividends, than they are for the people who are being poisoned, radiated and forced out of family homes owned by generations before them, it's easy to think that America is falling.

I want to inform these individuals, that they are wrong. Everyday, we are in the presence of innovators. Teachers, doctors, nurses, store cashiers and everyday common folk that try to make a difference in everything they do throughout their day.

In the not too distant past, America was the greatest country in the world. We were world leaders in industry, arts, entertainment. Unfortunately, I think people put too much of their nest eggs in the care of Wall Street. This hurt us.

Americans, want a better life. We are willing to work for it. I just don't think that we know what we need to work at. Small business is struggling, major industry pays next to nothing. I think small community based private business's is the way to go.

Apparently, the jobs number reflects a drop in those who are unemployed. I think that the new number is skewed. We need the innovators to lead and we also need the banks and investors to back these innovators. When Obama bailed out the financial institutions, the banks, grabbed their money and locked it in away in welded shut vaults. They should've realized the american economy needed a hand up. They didn't. This has hurt the economy greatly.

Still, Americans carry on. They watch football, baseball, have backyard barbecues, go to school, and continue to look for work. Admittedly, some people have given up looking for work and only time will tell where our economy goes. Something to look forward to, the holidays. Many stores, businesses will be adding jobs for the masses and though these jobs are mostly seasonal, some who shine and stand out amongst the rest, may be offered long term part and full time positions. Things are getting better, finally. There is still much to do and with America preparing for another Presidential election, wondering, who indeed is the right man to lead us further out of this economic abyss, we currently find ourselves in. I for one, am watching, reading, investigating the facts as best I can. I hope all of you are too!


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