Thursday, October 25, 2012

Watching TV, Food and Wine and other stuff...


It has been a fun week. Like many, I’ve been watching television. Finally caught up on Once Upon A Time, wow, love where the show’s going. I really enjoy watching HOMELAND on Showtime; this too is an awesome show.
I also have been watching the news and people watching when I have the opportunity.
Do you ever look at the attire people choose to wear when going out? I often do this and ask myself, “Self; who dresses these people?” “Who are these people?”
I was able to spend some time at the EPCOT Food And Wine Exposition last Thursday and decided to try out some of the food that were offered by the hosting nations. I liked the Argentinean Empanada; spicy, but good. I’m not really a Pork eater, so I didn’t try Hawaii’s Pork, Pineapple slider. It did sound good though.
I was able to try out the Key Limen (that’s what it’s called) Wine, made by a Florida winery. I don’t drink alcohol, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to. I thought it was okay. I could not see myself buying a bottle to drink here at home. In reality, I enjoy my un-sweet Pomegranate Iced Tea. It was interesting though.
While I am on this topic, boring as it may be; I managed to get my favorite dessert while I was strolling EPCOT. It was in Japan; it is called a Kagagori(sp). In the past; it was an AMAZING fluffy shaved ice with incredible flavors such as melon, tangerine, cherry and a couple of others; no Kirin though. I stopped to buy one(a shaved ice, not a Kirin) and was VERY DISAPPOINTED when I dug into it. It was awful! The ice was as course as an American Snow Cone. This ruined my day. I know, it’s trivial; but I was so looking forward to it. I decided to head to France to get a chocolate croissant at the bakery. This was good. I know what you’re thinking; why not a Funnel Cake from the American Pavilion? Well, the last time I bought one, it was a breezy day and when I turned to walk away from the Funnel Cake kiosk, a gust blew all the powdered sugar onto my face. It would've been funny if it happened to someone else. I guess it was funny TO someone else or other people who witnessed the confectionery mishap. Well, that’s why I didn't get the funnel cake.
It appears that there is a scandal brewing with the Libya stuff. In the last couple of days, emails were released by the State Department. The content of these emails appear to state that The White House (and those who occupy it/work there), were notified of the Benghazi attack in real time. This would afford the President and his Cabinet to launch drones, planes, etc. to monitor the unrest in real time.
This has set forth a vast amount of questions from the Republicans, but not so much the news agencies (except FOX). I guess the biggest point that these people are making; is that if we could see it happen; why could we not intervene? Knowing a bit about how military operations work; it does take some time to work out the logistics. In my humble opinion; this may have been avoided with a strong security detachment stationed at the embassy. I think all embassies or such offices, should have a permanent security detachment on site. Most Diplomats travel with DSA’s; Diplomatic Security Agents. These are typically former Special Forces personnel, tasked with defending our diplomats and their staff/families abroad. No such luck in the Benghazi case, though the ambassador apparently was continually pleading for such a unit. I don’t know what will come, if anything on this investigation. I can say that you don’t hear anything here about it. Most news outlets ignore any topics, stories and investigations relating to anything that paints our Inept President, unfavorably. This is nothing new. We can go back in the last three years and find dozens of stories that have been ignored by the news houses.
I don’t think that it’s fair; but this is political life in America. I truly think some big changes need to be made. More on that later.

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