Thursday, November 1, 2012

Time Running Out

Save yourself for someone special
Children's choir

I haven't written in a while. Not because of a lack of interest, but because there is so much to write about! I find myself getting more and more shocked by the ignorance of people. There are a couple of political advertisements coming over the airwaves recently. I am sure that everyone has seen them, but I am so shocked by them. I don't think I am the only one who is offended by them.
One, the one that really burns me up is of some actress from some meaningless television show, who encourages young girls to choose a man like President Obama to have their first sexual encounter with! Really?! Who in the world is going to want their daughter(or son) to choose a man who admittedly ingested cocaine, eats man's best friend and who has no backbone to show any type of pride in their country? I am personally sickened by this. Please tell me that I am not the only one!
Young girls are so impressionable. Pre-teens, tweens and teens are bombarded by sexual pressure from all sides. music, movies, television, friends books, magazines, the internet; it is nearly impossible for these young individuals to fend off their desires and natural urges. Young girls get enough pressure from young boys; they don't need it from Obama's super-pacs. I don't understand why more people are not up in arms.
It's not just this ad. Now, there is a new commercial with a school child choir singing about their perception of what the world will be if Obama isn't re-elected.
I will keep saying it, America needs to wake up. With five days left until the election, it is imperative that people understand how dire our situation is.
I am at that point where I don't really worry about my future. It is what it is. I am concerned for my niece and nephew and their future. I am concerned for the future of all the children who have touched my life and who are growing up, preparing to the enter the work force, Preparing to begin their lives.
Just because we have ruined our present times, doesn't give us the right to ruin their futures as well. It is time for us to not worry about ourselves so much, but instead to concern ourselves with the life and possibilities we leave to the next generations. Should we leave them a country where the mortgage is in the hands of the Chinese? I think not. I believe any individual with a brain, will see the truth that Mitt Romney has the courage and ability to hand the keys to America back to our society.
Wake up, America. We have one clear choice to take our country back, to regain our prestige, honor and integrity that has been destroyed in the last 12 years. Don't waste your vote on the illusion of hope and change; instead, give ourselves the promise and the HOPE of real CHANGE... Something stinks in Washington D.C. let's clean out the cage, for all of our sake's.


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