Friday, January 4, 2013

2013, a year for change?

January 3, 2013

I wake up this morning with the notion that everyday is a new chance at life. I wake up finding myself contemplating some changes; I think it’s time for a change. I’ve been in Central Florida for about six years now; and going on my seventh. I miss my California life; mainly my friends. I miss my eateries that I frequented; I miss how close in proximity everything was. I don’t have all that here.
There are some things that I don’t miss; I don’t miss the 170 pounds that I’ve lost. I don’t miss the traffic, the noise the pollution. I also don’t miss the gangs, crime, high gasoline prices. I certainly don’t miss all the hustle and how congested it was in Southern California. Los Angeles Freeways are every bit as crazy as one has heard.

Admittedly, I am not good with change. I am the type that likes to get somewhere and grow roots. I like to get to know my environment, surroundings and people that I work with. I don’t make friends easily, but I do acquire acquaintances readily. I like to meet people, get to know what they’re like; but as far as making friends, my true friends are in California and maybe a few other states scattered around.

I am fortunate to be able to be in a position where I am able to meet people from all over the world. I find this to be great fun. I think though that maybe at this point in my life, I should go somewhere where I may be able to move up in a company. I don’t know, I have lots of thoughts racing through my head at this moment. None are clear.

I have done what I wanted to do by moving to C. Florida. I really wanted to give my personal Mecca a try. I’ve now done that and it wasn’t everything I thought it would be. I have met some really great people. I have met some not-so-great people. I find it interesting on how there can be so much anger and ill-will at the happiest place on Earth. But, that is a topic for another day. Somewhere down the road…

My favorite topic is myself. It always has been. I am self centered. I am interested in the well being of others, but it is I that I can focus on and change if necessary. I think I need to change myself a bit. How exactly, hasn’t come into focus just yet. I have a couple of ideas floating around in my mind. I really want to find the spiritual me that I have kind of neglected in the last few years. I want to re-discover the musical me, the one who couldn’t be torn from his piano. The piano I haven’t touched in over a year. I need to get in touch with the thoughtful me; the me that had opinions on all important things in the world; informed opinions. I know that person still exists; I just hope that I could nudge him into the light.

I don’t think it will take a great nudge, just a bump. I miss so many of the things that I occupied myself with before. I know what the difference is; why I have become a bit less enthused, some of it my fault, some of it not. I know what I have to do. I am in the middle of formulating a plan; a plan of action that will hopefully lead me back to where I should be; to the path that leads me back to my life as it should be. It won’t be easy; it’s going to take some effort and lots of work. Nonetheless, I am excited. I’ll be moving in the next six months; somewhere up closer to and perhaps past Orlando. I think it’ll be awesome to live in a small town where everything is closer. Not like here, where I have to drive forever just to get to Wal-Mart. I am hoping that wherever I end up, there is an awesome coffee house and maybe a decent pizza place. I know that O’ Stromboli is in the area, and I really love eating there. But I also have to decide where I am going to work. I am not going to make the drive back here to Disney. It’ll be too far. I for one don’t want to commute that much.

I learned how to drive at a YOUNG age. I kinda’ learned by watching. By the age of 9, I was driving the side streets to the local market. It was only 3 blocks. At 14, I drove my dads truck home one Friday night... the 405 to the 118 and then home. Wow, what a rush that was. I used to really enjoy being behind the wheel. Now, I find it to be a task. I love riding Marisol (my ZX9R); she is always a fun ride! Even in the rain; I don’t mind.
But, I am tired of commuting. If only there were a great job I could do at home… something that will keep me closer to my family; that would indeed be ideal.

2013 is looking to be a different year; earlier, I mentioned that I’d found a new home at EPCOT; now I don’t feel that way. I may have erred and spoken too soon. It reminded me to not take tomorrow for granted. Either way, there are changes coming; some that have already begun; I for one; am optimistic, cautiously optimistic.

I’m home for the next week, and I am hoping to really write daily. I have endless topics to tackle; I just appear to have trouble choosing and I’ll be honest; sometimes sitting here at the computer, writing can be boring. I have the house to myself for the next few days; everyone is going to St. Augustine, FL and Chico and I are going to hang here at home. I plan on riding my XOOTR when I have some time, do some writing, reading and maybe test out the waters of the job market. That should keep my busy for the mean time.

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