Sunday, January 13, 2013

Recharging the mind...

January 13, 2013

How many people go off everyday in a personal quest to find themselves? It’s not like their lost; perhaps they are just looking for more than they have. Could it be that we as a people have grown tired of all the technology and meaningless pass times that we engage in that our souls and inner beings hunger for more? I know a guy who has so much. He has just about as much as anyone could ask for or desire and yet with all this; he is still empty on the inside. He still yearns for more. I don’t believe he is yearning for more physical items, just to feed his mind and soul more.

You hear of and meet people everyday who are on some sort of personal quest; looking for something that will enable our existence to make sense.

Could it be that we have put too much importance in our technology? I think maybe that we count too much on our toys. I think we are too dependant on our tablets, smart-phones, video games, mp3 players’ ipods and the like. I don’t think that many people remember what the world was like before all these things came along and joined our world. I know that things were not as convenient for us as they are now. We now are able to carry the world in our pockets. There are smart-phones that are available to us that have the power of some desk top computers. The information that the world offers is now available to us, literally at our fingertips.

I believe that this is a double edged sword. Humans have evolved to be resourceful, intelligent entities. We have come so far in our development because we have strived to learn so much. Seeking information in books, reading articles, experiments in labs, exploring our world around us; all of these things have made us in essence who we are. Technology, while improving our lives in some ways; has in others promoted deterioration in other facets of our lives.

In the not too distant past, taking a trip in an automobile was much different than it is today. One would pick up a map, pack their necessities and be off on a trip filled with excitement and adventure. One would plan a route, find hotels, restaurants, gas stations and points of interest, all while exploring while on their trek to their destination.

Today, excursions aren’t really like that. We plan our commutes into a GPS or our smart phone, which do have GPS capability and follow the directions that the little voice gives us. I would guess that one would miss the banter with your navigator who is holding the map; missing the adventure that a wrong turn would bring. I guess it hasn’t. We are a people who no longer stop to smell the roses. We draw a line and get where we’re going as fast as possible to sit on some beach or poolside at some resort and drink ourselves blind. Some vacation. Some adventure. I think that there is a better way.

I am not advocating for people to turn away from technology, but perhaps using it with more moderation. I think it is so fun jumping in a car, grabbing a map and taking to the open road. The fun is in the trip and usually not the destination. So many people don’t know what it’s like to stop at tourist traps and seeing the wares of local peddlers. Fun like this is just out there waiting to be had.

Of course nowadays, one has to concern themselves with the high prices of gasoline, car insurance and vehicle maintenance, but I guess you can’t have everything.

One day, I want to hop a train and ride the rails… I don’t mean AMTRAK, I mean a freight train. I think it would be awesome to travel like a vagabond for a while. It may be a bit dangerous, but I think that it would be an adventure that one could write about.
Anyone want to join me?
I know that I probably couldn’t really do this, but it would be fun to think about. I have met people that have bicycled Europe and told me of great exploits. Sound like real fun and adventure to be had. All one would need would be a pack with a sleeping bag, tool kit, water bottles some extra clothes, CLIF bars a camera, pocket radio a book and of course a bicycle.

There was a book called Biking Los Angeles that I read when I lived in California. I read the book and came to the conclusion that anyone who avidly bicycled in or around Los Angeles was lacking a few brain cells. The traffic around Los Angeles is rugged.

My friend Marianne likes to take tours. She was telling me about a trip she took to Europe. She mentioned that she enjoyed driving in the English Countryside. Her stories were filled with lively anecdotes about tiny roads, running into sheep filled towns and meeting the locals at the local inns. This sounds like a great deal of fun as well.

I guess the most important point of this post is for us as a people to get out and have some fun. Let us all put the technology away and go out and explore. Grab a friend or three and see the sights.
Let us all get away from the computers, televisions and just enjoy the camp fires and good times with friends.

I think that no matter what we choose to do to help us relax and get away, it is important. We need to recharge our batteries just like all the toys that we have. I for one am in the process of planning a small trip for myself. I will pack a bag, grab my XOOTR, a good book, my tablet and jump on a bus off to have a small adventure at one of my personal magic spots on Earth. I’ll be sure to post photos and write notes about it when it happens.
Why don’t you all do the same?

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