Monday, January 7, 2013

Social Video; electronic witness...

The news today is focusing on the Indian woman who was raped on a bus and who later died of her injuries in the hospital. The other top story is that of another rape, this one occurring in a small Ohio town, the act perpetrated by a couple of high school football players on an unconscious teen girl. The ironic thing is that this story would never have come to light if not for the other teens who by way of their cell phones, recorded the incident, then uploaded it to the web.

Technology today has become the new police nanny of the world. The inability of people to control their uploading impulses is helping local and federal authorities in capturing criminals for crimes that never would’ve been reported. Granted, most of these people who are being caught for these viral exploding crimes, should all be high contenders for the Darwin Awards, I think it’s great that there is actually a good use for all of these social media outlets. I think that Google and Youtube should be on the police payroll. If not for these outlets, so many crimes would go unpunished.

One has to wonder; what kind of mental midget would create havoc, participate in heinous acts and embed them on video for the entire world to see? As I mentioned earlier, these individual are truly deserving of the Darwin Awards.

All one has to do is look on the internet and find all kinds of foolishness. I remember seeing videos of individuals doing everything from destroying mail boxes with baseball bats from a car to people rioting at the park while at their kids’ football games.
I’ve seen videos of people engaged in home based ultimate fighting clubs. There is a myriad of things to watch if you look long enough.

Getting back to this video that has originated in Ohio over the last few days; it is a tragic happening, and most shocking is the fact that the world would’ve never found out about all of this occurring if not for the individuals recording this on their cell phones.
There is all kinds of speculation on the guilt or innocence of the boys involved in this attack on this poor teenage girl. What I find interesting is that the individuals who recorded this tragic event are not liable for any of this; unless they delete any video that has been saved on their electronic devices. Then, apparently, they can be charged with destruction of evidence and interfering with an investigation. I find this very interesting.

I wonder now, if parents are destroying their teen’s cell phones to keep their kids out of this mess that is going on? I don’t know what I’d do if I had a teen involved in this case in this way.

Perhaps this could’ve all been avoided if there had been one simple thing: parental supervision at this party. I don’t know what kind of parent would allow their kids to go to some party full of football players, where there is most likely going to be alcohol and perhaps even drugs? I believe all this could have been avoided if only parents would be more responsible.

Parental responsibility is a very touch subject. Having spent my life, working with children with special needs; I was surprised to find just how many children weren’t organically impaired, but how many were simply products of their upbringing. This is a topic for another posting. I know there are many families out there who are on the verge of collapse. So many parents don’t have any idea of how to raise problem children.
Rearing mainstream children is hard enough. But the failure of some parents to set limits, enforce rules and to hold their ground is resulting in the undermining of their children’s success in their future life.

All of this chaos in Ohio could’ve been avoided if only there had been parental supervision in the house on the night of the party. I don’t even know, nor have I been able to find out if there were ANY adults in the house. If there were; those adults are in a very actionable position. If there weren't  then the homeowner is in an extremely liable position. Either way, if you have children of any age; be sure to educate, love and limit your children. Don’t be afraid to properly raise your children; it’s your job as a parent.

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