Monday, January 28, 2013

Some thoughts...

My thoughts on:

Little Princesses. I was at work today and working at EPCOT, one is usually surrounded by little princesses and young pirates, fairies and the like. We take pride in the service we provide to our thousands of guests that come through our turnstiles on a daily basis. Many of those guests are young guests; or little guests. Of course, many of these younger guests dress up to emulate their favorite princesses, characters or pirates. As cast members, we make a BIG DEAL about this. We bow and say things like, “Welcome, Princess: thank you for gracing us with your presence…” Sometimes we ask for their autographs and shower them with attention. The kids love it, the parents are grateful and glow with happiness and we as cast members, enjoy the interaction with our youngest guests, whom hopefully, one day; will be bringing children of their own to relive their memories through them.

When young pirates come through our turnstiles, we behave in the same manner, only using pirate jargon. I especially enjoy this; I go a bit over the top when I do this. I enjoy using my “arrghs” and “Avhast there’s” I call the young buccaneers “matey” and “me earties.” This is just expected when one visits Walt Disney World, or any of the Disney Parks. We encourage our guests young and mature to cherish their experiences. Imagine my disgust today, after making a big deal about a couple of young princesses who were coming into the park on their very first visit, then hearing two other guests; a married couple, without children I would imagine; state to one another how foolish these children looked being dressed like this and the immaturity of the “employees” who were making a fuss about this…! I was aghast! I was miffed; pissed; upset, angry, irked and it took all of my self control to hold back a lashing from my tongue.

How dare these individuals come to our house and tell us what is foolish?!?! I imagine these two, should they ever become parents, they’ll insist that their children take lessons in eloquence; dress their sons in ascots and penny loafers; which is fine, should you be into that; it’s not a bad look. These are the same individuals that well dress their daughters in black patent leather shoes, frilly socks and Sunday dresses with gloves, hats and teaching their children that horrible rule; Children Should Be Seen And Not Heard…

I don’t think how people choose to raise and indulge their kids, is anyone’s business. You want to express your point to your significant other, tell them out of ear shot of other people. Most people don’t care one bit what your beliefs are, despite what they may tell you to your face. For myself; if anyone criticized the way I would indulge my children, niece or nephew, or god-daughter; and it not be their parent; I’d very bluntly tell them what they could do with their opinion, and, remind them that opinions are like a certain appendage that every human body has.

Our world is so fucked up that people are losing their minds when it comes to trying to figure out how to protect our loved ones; especially our children. If parents/guardians want to let their children live in a fantasy world, hey, the longer the better. Our world is filled with sick fucks. All one has to do is watch the news, read the paper, listen to the radio to be shocked into remembering how easy it is to lose control of our society.

I knew a man once, who was opinionated and sick in his thinking. Not that all whom are opinionated are sick, but if the shoe fits…
This individual spewed trash like it was being paid for. He used his children as trained dogs when he had company. He’d snap his fingers in front of his guests and humiliate his kids into waiting on him hand and foot. What an asshole. I despised him from the moment I met him and I made sure he knew it.

Life is too short; and provides its own set of stresses and failures; life beats one down hard enough on its own; why would anybody else choose to do the same? Live and let live; let the kids play, indulge them, play with them and get in on the act!
If you have a little princess, pirate, space ranger, clown, cowboy, fireman, policeman, sailor, soldier, airman or whatever; encourage them to live it out; encourage them to embrace it while they can. All these entities can be taught the responsibilities that these alter-egos must possess. And finally; when it’s time to put the costumes away or when they’re too shredded or faded to wear; nay when they are outgrown, remind them that just because the costume is off; doesn’t’ mean the inner being is gone. Bow and curtsy to your daughters; encourage them to reciprocate; teach your young pirates about loyalty and friendship; model it, live it and believe it; chances are, they will too!
Just my thoughts…

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