Saturday, January 5, 2013


So all the talk today is about the Fiscal Cliff and the inability for our Government to take care of everything that needs to be addressed. I’d like to say that I’m surprised, but I am not. Speculation is that these battles are going to continue to play themselves out for the next 3-6 months. Of course the people that suffer are the citizens that put all of these people in office to represent their interests. It’s kind of sad.

When you look at the FACT that the president has failed to put forth a budget in the last four years, one has to ask themselves, “what is this man thinking?!” We hear on the news shows and read in our weekly periodicals, that Americas’ budget is running at 40% borrowed money. Mostly borrowed from China! I don’t know how we as a society, a country and as a people, allow our elected officials to continue doing this. I don’t know how we even allow them to begin doing this. I think for those that don’t care and are just enjoying the ride; these people are in for a rude awakening.

Anyway, this is a topic we may visit over and over again in the next few months, maybe even years. I for one have other things to talk about. Mom, Roy, Nicole and the kids went on a two day trip to St. Augustine. I hear that St. Augustine is a quaint little coastal town. I chose not to go so I could stay here at home with Chico and just enjoy the quiet that there is to be found here at home. Okay, that got old within a couple of hours of everyone leaving. I don’t like being alone. I could never live by myself or even have a job where I work in some little cubicle, cut off from people.

True, I do have my door closed most of the time that I’m home, but that is so that I don’t bother anyone with the noise that I make here in my man cave. You know music, television, etc.

Roy asked me why I chose not to go with them, he know me and knows I’d rather be at home playing with my toys. The truth is, I am a homebody. I like being at home. During the holidays when people are bustling and visiting and out amongst the masses; I can be found here in my man cave: it is where I am most comfortable. I find comfort in listening to streaming blues and jazz. I love watching the History Channel, CNN and all the other channels I watch on television. Spending time on the internet also allows me some peace and time to contemplate life on a grand scale. Someday, I’ll write about that; but not today.

It is a rare treat for me to be home on a weekend. I am currently on vacation for a week. I don’t know if that may be extended. Life today is extremely chaotic. I have always been a believer in a simple thought: Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. I am going to take some time to catch up on some reading, writing and cleaning up my cave. I love spending time here at home with my mom, brother and rest of my family, and I am currently trying to find a way to do that more freely. I have said before; it would be nice to be able to find an occupation that will allow me the freedom to be home more often. I think I could definitely enjoy working from home, for a while anyway.

I weather this week is supposed to be cool and rainy, which bothers me. I guess I’ll not head out too far from home. That’s okay though, because I have some reading and writing to catch up on as I previously stated.

One thing that I don’t want to do is to be glued to the television. I for one am so tired of hearing about the fiscal cliff and all of the silliness that comes out of Washington D.C.
There is other news in the world; I wonder if there was a news agency that chose to report solely on positive, uplifting stories, if they’d have good ratings? Do we as Americans, like to lavish on the suffering of others?

Coming from the San Fernando Valley in California, I am no stranger to drama in the city. I have experienced several earthquakes, including the Northridge Quake and the Sylmar Quake. I went through the fire storms, riots, El Nino, La NiƱa and just about everything else that occurred there while I lived there. I think the most memorable and infamous were the L.A. Riots and The Northridge Earthquake. After the Northridge Quake, we had no power or water services for nearly a week. I remember having a conversation with my friend, Cel, about how now it was our turn to be watched from around the world. I guess everyone gets their turn.

Anyway, it’s time for me to take some time to think and relax. I have some things I have to contemplate in these next couple of weeks. I look forward to it. I need it.

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