Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gun Control and such

Gun control is all the rage right now. Our Vice President, Joe Biden is spearheading the fight to control personal weapons amongst our nation.
Anyone ever read the Constitution of The United States of America?

I know that our fore-fathers didn’t mean for us to have AR-15’s and HK-MP5’s or AK-47’s. I believe that their forward thinking was brilliant; in order to insure a free nation; the people of that nation need to have the ability to protect themselves against the government, should that government ever turn on her people. When thinking about this, maybe the prospect of holding assault and military type weapons isn’t a bad idea.

As a nation; we’ve been lucky with our leaders. Most have believed in the integrity of the Constitution and the safety of our nation’s citizens. However, in recent years, most people feel that the threat of terrorists makes gun ownership much more reasonable. True, one doesn’t normally walk around with an assault weapon in his or her backpack, but having one locked away in the closet does allow one to sleep more soundly.

Maybe some things we can look at are weapons owners being compelled to safe guard their weapons by the use of gun safes, locks, cables and the like. Most gun owners don’t commit crimes, but sometimes, people commit crimes with legal gun owner’s weapons. Most likely due to unsafe storage practices.

The truth is, that there is no easy answer when it comes to the important issues of life. Gun Control, Abortion, Tax Reform, International Adoption, Nuclear Weapons disposal; the list is endless.

In order to address any social problems; one has to look at the underlying problems; the antecedent that creates the issue.
Some nut job takes an assault weapon and slaughters 20 innocents… It is a tragic happening. True, without assault weapons readily available, he probably wouldn’t have been able to kill twenty children; however, I believe where there is a will there is a way. He could’ve used any number of other devices to inflict carnage. Some may have been more gruesome and not as quick.

Our society is a sick society. If only 2 percent of our culture is socio-pathic or psycho-pathic, that’s a lot of disturbed people.
Unfortunately, most of these individuals aren’t discovered until it’s too late. However, if we all strive to find viable answers to the problems we are all experiencing our nation and world could be much safer for all of us.

It’s the same with drunk drivers, drug abusers and just about anything else that can be a danger for people. Instead of wanting to remove anything dangerous from our society, especially things that are necessary, or controllable, perhaps we just need to find a way to safe-guard these things. Implementing laws and enforcing them will be tedious; but in the long run, perhaps be more beneficial to all.

The masses don’t really want gun control. Just watch the news. There has been a run on gun stores to purchase these very models that are on the endangered list. An unarmed society is a vulnerable society.
It is our own responsibility to be able to protect ourselves whenever necessary. We wouldn’t be able to do that with extreme gun control.

Let us look into an improbable future; let’s say we get a leader in the White House who decides that he wants to take over the country; forego election. Not that we have anyone like that in the White House now, or even in the Chute for the next election in four years; but at some point; our luck may run out. It’s inevitable.

Just the same; let’s not be rash in any of our decisions. Let’s look at what is on the table and take every problem, analyze it and come to a cohesive, functioning plan; true debate, where our citizens, national and international are safe. Let us as a people be the individuals that benefit from a democratically elected government. Let’s make decisions that will make sense for all of us.
More later…

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