Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Time Magazine Person of The Year Nominees?!

TIME magazine released it’s nominees for 2012 Person of The Year. If you haven’t heard who they are, here is the list in no particular order:

e.l. james
stephen colbert
jon stewart
OGM gabby douglas
michael phelps
YAHOO CEO marissa mayer
barry obama
hillary clinton
bill clinton
mitt romney
paul ryan
malala yousafzai
sandra fluke
Egyptian president morsi

I believe this to be the complete list and if I’ve mistakenly left anyone off, my sincerest apologies.

Let’s all peruse this list for a second; or five. I think; and I emphasize the I; think that anyone who is even considered for this honor, dubious or otherwise; should be someone who has inspired the world positively. There have been many people who did not deserve to be named TMPOTY, I won’t even mention their names; some of these people are so heinous. None of these names are heinous. A couple are questionable; but not because they are not going to or haven’t made news or impressions on their civilization; but primarily because I don’t think many of these people inspire. In MY opinion; and most of my friends will think I am going to mention Mitt Romney; I’m not. I would’ve loved it; if he’d been elected President; but he wasn’t.
The name that jumps off the page to me is, 14 year old Malala Yousafzai. This is a girl that spoke out in support of educational rights for all girls and women. The Taliban, chose to extinguish her voice. Thankfully, they failed. I find it offensive and an insult
to see the names of some of the other nominees on the list. Young miss Yousafzai is an individual to be celebrated; honored and emulated. I hope young American girls and women chose to emulate the character that this brave young woman exhibits. America needs people of this type of character to be role models. I hope she wins.

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