Thursday, November 22, 2012

Being Thankful

To Be Thankful...
I sometimes feel so ashamed to be me. I am a self-confirmed news junkie. I see all of the tragedies/travesties that the world offers. I see the suffering in Haiti, Syria; other areas of the Middle East. I see and feel the suffering of those in the North East, who are currently suffering the aftermath of Super-Storm Sandy. It is appalling to me that in todays age, despite our economic woes; that we allow fellow humans to suffer so.

I myself often forget about these individuals, unless I am being bombarded with their suffering on CNN or some other news station. I instead choose to worry over my selfish needs. Of course, like many others, in moments of peaceful contemplation; the times when I am quietly communing with the Lord, I apologize for my self centeredness. I acknowledge that I am so much better off than so many people in the world. I am so thankful for this; and so ashamed of the way I think sometimes. I try everyday to change this about myself and vow to never stop trying.

Today, on this day of giving Thanks for all that I have, all the individuals in my life; both past and present, for all that I am; I will pray for the Lord to bless and protect those who have so much less than I. I will give thanks for all those with whom I share my daily experiences with; all those who make up the realm of my life; both past and present.

I hope we can all try doing this today; and maybe even more. Maybe, we can all take some time on a daily basis and remember those who suffer so much more than ourselves. Today, let us all be thankful for what we have and cherish and maybe for what we take for granted and forget to cherish. Let’s all take today and cast away all of the trivial incidents that we carry in our minds and hearts. Let us take today to heal and allow ourselves to let go of all the unnecessary baggage that we weigh ourselves down with every day. In this way, perhaps we can lighten our minds and souls. Hopefully this will allow us to cherish all we have in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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