Tuesday, November 20, 2012

humorous observations

I find it so humorous when people get nervous about biometric screenings when coming into the park. Some of the questions we get are too funny. I recently had one guest ask me if they get checked against child support records! I just about fell out laughing, on the inside, that is. I responded to the guest that the records are crossed matched with The Department of Homeland Security. I assured the man that I was just kidding. He asked if he had to place his finger down and I told him he didn't if he had I.D. on him. He did and appeared to become relieved when he didn't have to get the biometric set. Made me wonder; who is this guy? He was just too scared to be hiding from some state attorney general over some unpaid child support. Of course, now, state governments use the I.R.S. to collect for them. I guess in retrospect, I can understand this individual’s apprehension.
The threat of big brother looms everywhere; just look at Kick Buttowski! No, really; I think people are so over scrutinized that they wonder why companies do what they do. I mean, has anyone tried to get a library book lately? Has anyone tried to rent a video? One would swear they will soon be asking for signatures in blood or better yet, chiseled into granite.
Welcome to the world, 2012!
I understand a day laborer in Bel Air last week asked for two forms of I. D. a social security card and references before he would start pulling weeds! Gotta' love Californians'; legal or not!
Of course there is the story of the third grade teacher in Providence, who when informed that the parents of one of her students wanted a parent-teacher conference, she immediately called he lawyer to find out what her liability was.
Paranoia runs wild in the streets of America.
Think about this: police cruisers prowl the streets all day long with network connected laptops at their disposal; all so they can run license plates on cars. I personally think that this should be illegal. If you get popped running a red light, cutting off some poor schlep as you pull a u turn into the Starbucks you just passed and you are observed by one of our upstanding police officers, well then, you get what you get. Otherwise, I think that it should be illegal for
Law Enforcement to bother you.
When you get down to it, police are just like us; only they get to carry guns, pull you over, violate your rights and most cool of all, get these hot girls they pull over all worked up over a ticket, decide to let the girl go, in exchange for a phone number of course, then go out and have gratuitous sex from a thankful hottie!
Other than that, police are just like the rest of us.
They are People with absolute powers that have been corrupted absolutely.
I found myself walking through a store today, I wont mention which one; okay, WALMART. I asked a woman wearing a WALMART smock and name tag if she worked there, dumb me; she replied no and continued on her way.
She worked there; otherwise, why would she want to wear that hideous smock that these individuals who are employed there are forced to wear on a daily basis? It must have given her a great feeling of power knowing that she pulled one over on me. Anyway, I was helped by this incredibly cute brunette who led me to the refried black beans with a smile. I, being a loyal Disney Employee, would never do that.
I know some who would; but I wouldn’t. I try to greet each guest with a smile. I try to answer all of their questions with a smile and politely, because let’s face it; sometimes these questions are pretty interesting; my favorite… “What time is the 3:00 parade?”
Disney actually sells a shirt depicting Goofy asking this question. Funny. Of course, there isn’t too much that I don’t find funny. I think I enjoy searching for irony in the daily happenings of others. I won’t say that I’m socio-pathic, but I am a bit demented at times. Not in a bad way; I just have a weird sense of humor. I’ll laugh at anything… Ever have a friend stumble in front of you, where you run to see how he/she is? I do that, and when they respond that “they’re fine”, I bust out laughing at them… usually just for effect. I’m strange like that. Although sometimes, it’s funny! I don’t find it funny when someone gets hurt; usually. So I don’t laugh when someone gets hurt… usually.
Like, I’ve been watching the coverage of the skirmish between HAMAS and ISREAL; it think the suffering of the citizens of this area is heart-breaking. I hate children and women suffering. I hate to see men suffering. However as I watch CNN’s coverage and hear how the Palestinians are complaining that Israel is defending itself too aggressively, I laugh. You play with the tiger, you get eaten. HAMAS doesn’t care about the people of GAZA; they want the Palestinians to feel pain; to suffer and even die. It helps their cause.
They now have stock footage to show the world. Poor HAMAS.. being killed for launching rockets at a NUCLEAR POWER! Perhaps this is going to end up being put on the Darwin Awards?
That would be funny. Would any intelligent individual, start a fight with people who can obliterate you? Perhaps, the Palestinians are hoping that IRAN, EGYPT, SYRIA and the rest of the Middle East comes to their defense. Idiots. I think feel for the individuals that are innocent in this; if there are any innocent parties involved. I feel for the suffering children on both sides. I wish people would learn to get along. I think this well end badly for the civilians in the GAZA area. I wish they would oust HAMAS and learn to live peacefully. I doubt that this will ever occur.
So, onto other things. The Holidays are here! That time of the year when one gets all dressed up in festive clothing, eat rich, sugary foods, over-charge on their credit cards; indulge in pushing, fighting, biting, scratching, hair pulling, cursing out motorists in parking lots; flipping the bird to cashiers and store managers, all while in search for the perfect, overpriced, over commercialized gift for someone who will probably re-gift any-way! I can hardly wait!
Now, back to the poor guy who was scared about using the biometric scans at WDW;
I wonder if he spends his time hiding his face from the countless video cameras strategically placed in every parking lot in every shopping center, Wal-Mart, grocery store, ATM, red light intersection and satellite circling the globe? Poor guy; I am sure he gets no rest. I hope he learns to chill out. As for me, I am awaiting the holidays with great zeal. Yup. Great Zeal! You’ll hear more on that in the coming days or weeks; indeed you will.

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