Monday, November 12, 2012

Giving Back

So as I am here at work I had the opportunity to chat with a College Program cast member named Emily. Emily hails from Missouri and comes with an excellent work ethic. She is self proclaimed non religious person. One could find it so interesting, albeit inspiring on how this individual chooses to spend her very valuable free time. Emily is a college student who chooses to spend her free time giving to the community. She spends a day helping and volunteering at the ASPCA in her city. It would appear that she finds this a selfish act because she sees it as being one sided, spending her time there cuddling a cat, which seems to make Emily feel better, never-mind what joy it may bring the feline.
Emily spends another day of the week volunteering at the local boys and girls club. She didn't elaborate on her actions there, but I imagine it doesn't entail cuddling and grooming children. Maybe she helps out with kids requiring assistance with their homework, or maybe she organizes a round of outdoor games; or maybe ebb helps plan and implement art projects. There is so much character that is built and cultivated in the boys and girls clubs of America. I can imagine all the children who must be thrilled to see Emily when she walks in.
Emily helps out at a local hospital too. It impresses me, how one individual can make such a large contribution to her community. Not a financial contribution, but a rare and valuable contribution; her time, caring and effort. There is no price that can be put on that. It is something that she will never get back, something that when completed, touches individuals (pets) in a way that gold couldn't provide.
Indeed the time we spend volunteering, whether it be serving the less fortunate at a soup kitchen, or may it be hugging an orphaned kitten, is indeed the Lords work. It is priceless. Would it not be wonderful if we could all do this?
So many people are legitimately busy and few have any time for themselves to recharge. I wonder if volunteering would help fill a void in the lives of all those people that throw themselves into their work to hide from whatever realities that exist in their lives?
In my youth I spent time working with under privileged children. Many came from broken homes or alternate living situations. I must admit that in the last few years that I have not been involved in these agencies that provide mentors or special friends or big brothers, etc; my life has been a bit emptier. For me, this used to be a life; a life where I made a difference; where my actions mattered. I don't live that life anymore. My life now really impacts no one in particular; perhaps guests who are trying to rush to their dinner reservations in Canada or Norway. Maybe individuals who are trying to get to the princess breakfast in the morning. I can't whine about this because it is what I asked for. I wanted this next segment of my life to have as little responsibility as possible. I accomplished that. I guess I wasn't counting on the emptiness this would cause
I am blessed to have a wonderful family. They are the sole purpose of my existence; without them, I’d be no-one and have nothing. Somehow, I still feel somewhere deep down; that I should be doing something more with my life. That is my issue; and my issue alone.
Getting back to my cp friend; all I can say is that I am so in awe of her. I hope that her actions continue for many years to come; and more so, I hope that her actions encourage and inspire others to donate of their time when they are able.
If everyone could do one thing a month for someone, some agency, we’d have an excellent world.

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