Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Aspiring Writer...

As an aspiring writer, I try to utilize whatever tools I have at my disposal. I use documents to go on my palm T/X, iPad and iPod. Recently, I have been using I do notepad for the iOS devices. So far, I like it. When I use my desktop or laptop I use ms word, which is my favorite word processor. I plan on playing with the app on iPod to see how the copy and paste works with it. If it doesn't I will have to set up my Drop box account, I haven't subscribed to use the cloud yet.
I guess I am not really an aspiring writer. I’ve submitted manuscripts, movie reviews and commentary to various websites, magazines and blogs.
I frequently have so many ideas running through my mind; it is hard for me to just focus on one thing. I have a tendency to go off on tangents. I have always been notorious for this. I think I do some of my greatest writing when I go off on tangents, because sometimes, my mind just stumbles onto something great.
I started this little note, as just a way to use the I Do notepad on the ipod and am now finishing this note on MS Word on my laptop; which I rarely use anymore, because I am really enjoying using my ipad when I am out and about. I, like many find that carrying my laptop is too heavy for everyday use. If I plan on sitting around BAM or Starbucks for hours, drinking coffee and writing; then I guess the laptop is okay.
However, I find myself on the ipad more and more.
I started doing my mobile note writing on my Palm T/X, which had Documents To Go downloaded on it. Now, using the T/X is just not convenient. My ipod has DTG loaded on it and I am able to email my notes to one of my email accounts. From there, I just open it on the computer, copy and paste it, do some tweaking and then post it to blogger or tumblr.
This past election season, I spent a lot of time writing anti-Obama notes. No more; the election is over and somehow, he continues to be the President of these United States. My only comments on this are: I am extremely disappointed in the American electorate for giving this man 4 more years. The other; Americans will get what they deserve. No more. Fin.

I think for a while; I am going to write more about my daily experiences. Actually, I am really only posting one blog a week. It is my intention to be able to do a daily blog. I don’t know if I have enough memorable experiences to do this. I am going to pay closer attention to what and who I encounter throughout my days. I am the type of person who tries to find humor in everything I experience. Not so much lately though.

Life in America; isn’t easy. I guess it really isn’t easy anywhere; so many things to do, work, laundry, grocery shopping, doctors appointments errands, paying bills, going to the bank, etc. If you have children, then whoa! Having children, adds even more; taking the kids to school, buying school supplies, making lunches, making breakfast, dinner, providing snacks; and if you have a pet; then even more to do; walk the dog, take the pet to the vet, feed the fish, feed the cat, so the cat doesn’t eat the fish; put the dog out so that the dog doesn’t make the cat a chew toy, or chew up the furniture, which my neighbors have to contend with on a weekly basis, by the way.
On top of all this; you have to try to find a way to unwind so that you don’t end up going postal on some tower overlooking some plaza with unsuspecting people about to get wasted and make the six o’ clock news.
I don’t know when we, as Americans made our lives so complicated. In a perfect world, we should be able to work; spend quality time with our families, enjoy a couple of days off doing the things we love with the people we love. We should be able to save some money, maybe to take a vacation once a year. I think we should be able to put money away for the future, to help our kids, if we have them, get a leg up on life, whether that is helping them pay for college, buy their first car, start a small business or just give them some financial security. All these things aren’t easy to do. All of these things I have just mentioned take quite a bit of sacrifice.

It is no surprise that people are always tired. People do so much running around and on top of that, are loaded with stress. It’s no wonder that people rely on alcohol, pot, barbiturates and other chemical devices to find away to escape it all.

When I was young, my dad worked really hard. He worked six days a week, building a business that was top in its field in the San Fernando Valley. Often, he worked overtime as well, and I remember mom, Roy and I driving to Northridge, CA to have dinner with dad at his shop. Dad worked hard, so that we could have everything we needed and then some.

When it came down to recreating, dad would go fishing. He would hitch up his boat and head out to one of the area lakes or even out to the ocean for some deep sea fishing.
As a little boy, I would go fishing with my dad to either Hansen Dam or Echo Park to fish with dad. Summer nights would often find us out at The Santa Monica Pier for some fishing. Most of the time, I just roamed around and looked at what other people were catching. I didn’t like fishing. I hated the smell. I still do.

Unwinding, for me used to be different; I’d spend all my time at the area theme parks. I had the money to do so. Not anymore. I work for Disney, so I am always at Disney.
I actually, spend most of my time watching television. I enjoy this. I never really watched television back home. I guess there wasn’t much for me to watch that I really enjoyed; other than CNN.

Time does change people. I get more tired now; more burned out. I get to the point where all I want to do on my off time, is nap and kick it in my man-cave. I don’t think my mom likes this; she likes to be out and about. She is stuck at home so much while I am work.
I know Chico doesn’t like it when I just stay in my room. He would rather be out and about, spreading his scent on the neighbor’s trees and lawn. He loves barking at anything that moves; dogs, birds, lizards. He enjoys his life when we are out. In actuality, I like spending time out and about with Chico too. He makes me smile. Chico never ceases to amaze me. If one day, I’d wake up and he’d say, “Hey Al, let’s go outside so I could get my treat..” it wouldn’t surprise me all that much.

I think as I get older; I want to travel a bit more and maybe rekindle my relationship with my cameras. I am an avid photographer; I could say, professional, photographer. I’ve been published and have been paid for my work. So yeah, I guess I am a professional.
One day, maybe I’ll post pix on my tumblr account.
For now, its getting late. I’m watching Ancient Aliens on History Channel and I’d like to get back to it.

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