Friday, November 16, 2012


People/families split over election during the holidays? It can't be!
I've been reading a lot of Facebook posts of people dreading the holidays in fear of having to discuss the election results. I think this is hilarious! You find some individuals completely capable of defending their choices in this past election. Mind you, they don't have to. People’s choices are their own and should never be compelled to defend them. I for one am extremely dissatisfied with the outcome of our recent presidential election. As a group, I wonder what people were thinking. I know the other side thinks the same about me. The elections are over, thankfully; let's focus on what really matters: our family and friends. Bring on the turkey, ham, lasagna, pizza or whatever you choose to place at your table this Thanksgiving night. Remember, if you are lucky to be sitting at a table, surrounded by those you love, you are extremely blessed. Just remember to include those individuals in New Jersey, New York and everywhere else our fellow Americans, nay our fellow humans are suffering at this joyous time of the year.
I hope that when we say grace at our table this Thanksgiving, maybe even at our daily meals, we can all remember to mention our countrymen who are suffering this year.
It is impossible to avoid arguments with family about politics, religion and whether Star Wars or Star Trek is the better movie series. Just enjoy the comfort of family and friends and forget Romney and that other guy that I’m pretending didn’t win the election. Have a wonderful holiday!

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