Saturday, November 3, 2012

3 Days!

Don’t boo, vote!
7.8% unemployment
Las Vegas
Let the rich pay a little more…

I remember in my youth, witnessing the excitement that occurred in my family’s home over the forth coming elections. It was almost like a holiday in my house; or maybe more at my grandfather’s house.
My grandfather, Pete; or what I called him, Grandpa Pete, was a die hard republican. He was a great fan of President Richard M. Nixon. I was very little when WATERGATE occurred. I remember hearing all of the talk of impeachment and all that which went along with it. My grandfather was livid.
President Nixon left with great shame placed on him and poor Gerald R. Ford had to assume the reigns of power for the strongest nation in the world. Poor guy; he wasn’t prepared for it. He continued until the next election, where Jimmy Carter defeated him.
I don’t remember much about the Carter years, except witnessing long gas lines. I remember my parents talking of the oil embargo and complaining that they could only purchase gas on certain days. Another think I remember, was seeing gas prices. In the early 70’s gasoline was 29 cents a gallon! I received an allowance of 1 dollar a week. That dollar went a long way. Nestles Crunch Bars were a nickel! Coke was 10 cents.
I would go to the move for $1.75 and popcorn and such cost 2 bucks. Those were the days.
Fast forward to today. I am on the way to fifty years old. Time has flown. I have a lifetime of experiences that I have mainly forgotten. Trips I’ve taken to various points in the world, vacations with my family. I took many vacations with friends at different times. Gas prices are now hovering at $4.00 a gallon. My pay hasn’t really changed in the last 12 years. Having changed careers, I now make about 1/5th of what I used to make in California.
My generation has experienced 9/11, earthquakes, hurricanes, wars, terrorist acts, presidents that have lead us to greatness and unfortunately, presidents that have made promises and not kept them.
We are now 3 days away from our next election…. Some people say, “so what?” Some people don’t really care who wins the election. I have spoken to many who don’t like either candidate. I have spoken to people who love the Democrat; why, I just don’t understand. Some really like the excitement that the Republican is generating. I fall into this column. I don’t think that this comes as a surprise to anyone though.
I have my reasons. I don’t want to bash the current president, because he has a tough job. I, for one, would never want to take on his job. He has to run what was once the greatest country in the world. I say “once” because we are now struggling and I don’t believe that we could be true leaders in the current state that we are in.
World leadership is still in our reach, but so much needs to be done, so many different areas of trouble that need to be addressed. I have said it many times, “How does one man, meet the needs of so many people?” I liked Ronald Reagan’s attitude: “Delegate authority and don’t interfere.” I think it was easy if you had the common sense, courage and strength that is needed for anyone who sits at the desk in the oval office. I also believe that you have to have a great love for your country. I believe that you have to be the ultimate booster for your nation. You have to love it; you have to support it. I believe that instead of finding fault with it and apologizing at every opportunity for your nations short comings, you need to find a way to fix it and make it stronger. Protect the integrity of the promise of your country for all of her citizens.
As we await the election of 2012, the North East is in dire shape. Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey, New York and a few other states very hard. People are scouring dumpsters for food, waiting up to five hours in line for gasoline for their generators. Some people are freezing in homes that are submerged with up to six feet of water. People have no blankets, clothes, heat or any of the necessities that are necessary to live meagerly, much less comfortably.
All this going on while the leader of our nation is fund raising in Las Vegas and running back and forth shouting out to any person with a camera, “We need to keep moving forward, instead of going back to the failed ideas that got us where we are.”
That isn’t leadership. I said that I would never want to be a president; I don’t think I would have the diplomacy that is needed. I know that being the person that I am, I wouldn’t be out fund raising for an election that takes place in 3 days; how much money does one need anyway? Most people will vote for the individual that they believe will do the better job… or will they?
Myself, if I were President; I would be all over the North East, bringing in food, water, heaters, tents, blankets, trailers, clothes, anything that I could to help ease the suffering of the citizens of our country.
That is not what our current leader is doing… I’m not surprised.
“Change, has come to America…” Change did come to America; a negative change.
The election of 2012 will come to be known as one of the most ugly, negative, divisive, truth avoidance elections ever. I personally, am a bit ashamed of how a sitting president can behave in such an immature manner.
I hope change does indeed come to America in three days time. I hope that America finds her path again, and elects a leader who is not afraid to lead. Should this fail to occur; I for one will be the voice saying, “We have reaped what we deserve…”
Wake up, America, the alarm is screaming: “Wake Up!”

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