Monday, November 19, 2012


Mom is so awesome. I remember her cutting the crusts off of my sandwiches for school , of course she had to, the nuns took my pocket knife away one lunchtime...
Yes, you are correct in assuming that I am a product of a Catholic Education. I was in what were once called Parochial Schools, only before all the scandals of priest and nuns that are so highly publicized today. I started in pre-school and Kindergarten, then went to an eight year school for first through eighth grades, then finally high school for ninth through twelfth grades. I can honestly say I was very comfortable and respected by the nuns and priests I was surrounded by. And beyond all that, I received a top notch education. I owe that to my parents who put my education and that of my brother, Roy above all else. There are some downsides to a private education, one being the naivety that one has while being so sheltered all ones life. I wasn't like the kids in the neighborhood that I watched playing outside while I was inside doing homework. Not that I was any better than them, just different. I was accepted by them when I did go outside to play with them, but I didn't fit in completely.
I wasn't as rough and tough as some of the kids growing up in my neighborhood and when I got into squabbles, sometimes I wasn't as well prepared as them to defend myself. That didn't matter to me, there were a couple of older kids who watched out for me(more on that later), thankfully. I was of a premature birth, a significant premature birth, like three months early, so I was always a bit smaller and being a forceps baby, I had an oddly shaped head, kind of diamond shaped, if I stop to think of it now. So I was always kind of a misfit, I guess in a lot of ways I still am. I was never really good at sports as a kid and I didn't have all of the growing up skills that one would acquire while growing up with friends. Alas, I did have intelligence. I spent quite a bit of time at libraries, museums and on various trips around where I could always learn interesting stuff. As I matured my family would try to introduce me to sports and stuff like that but I really had no interest in it. Mom would set up what are now called "play-dates" for me with peers from school, but I really had no interest in what they wanted to do. On Saturday's I would go the movies. Usually alone, because it was a safer time and one could go places alone. I read a lot and could spend hours perusing book stores at the mall or wherever a lonely bookstore could be found. I still enjoy doing this, but now I get most books on my iPad.
It took me a while to come into my own, as it is said. I made a couple of good friends in my life and had some awesome adventures growing up. Some of those stories may make it onto here for you to read at some point.
Mom always made sure that I was choosing the right friends. That wasn't a difficult thing to do. I didn't like to get into trouble. I did meet a couple of guys who were troubled souls. Life didn't turn out well for them. I have to admit; it is a very interesting experience knowing someone who is sitting on death row. I have a very special little girl; who is not so little anymore who is facing a capital death charge in Texas. She got involved with the wrong guy. Twice. She had awesome friends at one point in her life; her parents were well involved in her life, she abandoned her support system.
Mom always harped on us; and to some extent she still does. I won’t tell her this, but I am so glad for this. I don’t know what I’d be today, if it wasn’t for her. To this day, she still makes my unsweet iced tea for me. She always asks me if I need my dinner fixed; fixing my lunch, etc. I usually decline this stuff because I don’t want her to over do for me. I really want her to take care of herself. I love my mom; and without her, my life would be so empty. I love my brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew. Without all of them in my life; I’d have nothing. Of course, I can’t ignore Chico; my Chihuahua. He is awesome, though he is a pain in the @$$ sometimes. I am a very blessed person; I never forget this fact and I am so thankful to the Man Upstairs!
I don’t know how many people think this way anymore; I can’t tell you how many people I know that complain of siblings, parents, nieces and nephews; poor fools; I love my family. Sure, at times I get irked about little things; but after I rant for a moment; I thank my lord and my lucky stars. I’ll say it again; Thank you lord for my life; my family and friends. I am so blessed and I am grateful.
I hope all of you feel the same way. LATERZ!

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