Friday, April 12, 2013

Going Back

I think it's interesting when I watch the news, read TIME or any other periodical, where the topics read, despite the content, ____ -control... This sentence relays to me that something, no matter what it is, has been allowed to grow, OUT OF CONTROL. We can put many words into the blank,  
such as gun, spending, immigrant, drug, birth, just choose almost any topic; chances are, it will fill in the blank.
The news as of late, short of KOREA, has been filled with the term GUN-CONTROL. I think that this is a crock of fecal matter. Listen to this, America; THERE IS NO GOING BACK! I know that many of you have heard this comment before. Guns, drugs, illegal immigrant guests whom have overstayed their welcome, teen sex, tobacco, any of dozens of concerns to our citizens.
Let's choose; oh, I don't know, gun control... 
We, as americans, have the RIGHT to keep and bare arms. Our founding fathers carefully scripted this RIGHT into our Constitution to enable us to protect ourselves from an over-zealous, tyranny filled government with the intention of inhibiting the rights of its citizens.
Should we ever find ourselves against a government focused on shaving down our rights, like controlling the types of arms we keep, the accessories that go with them, we, would have a way of defending ourselves against these people who have access to military type assault weapons. 
So, for all of you people who run around the country to any individual with a camera, THAT is why we should be allowed to have these types of weapons.
IMAGINE(if you can), how easy it would be for an army or National Guard Unit, to move in to a town protected by a bunch of people trying to protect it's city or town with shotguns, and LOW CAPACITY magazine taking rifles! Not very fair; even with high round capacity magazines, it still wouldn't compete with assault rifles being yielded by government troops, that happen to also have grenade launchers, mini guns and air support capabilities.
Do you want proof of what a nation held on leash would be like? Take a look at NORTH KOREA, where her citizens receive no outside news, information or entertainment. Citizens whom are FORCED to have a photo of their leader up in a place of prominence for all to WORSHIP! Literally. WORSHIP!?! Really?!?! I can think of an AMERICAN leader who would love to give himself GOD status. It might work except for the people who may despise him and are able to defend themselves against anyone who may be able to defend against a move like this... 
DON'T THINK, that he wouldn't fancy this for himself... There are already HOLLYWOOD NUTJOBS who refer to him as "OUR LORD AND SAVIOR__________ __________". I think he would need just a nudge to move him into DICTATOR status. More on this later....

Amnesty is a tricky thing. It would allow illegal guest immigrants to stay, without having gone through any of the LEGAL steps it takes to become a citizen of our quickly deteriorating country.
I know, and I hope you do as well, that without immigrants, our country would not exist. We'd literally be many nations of NATIVES, still running the prairies and living as one with nature(sounds like an improvement already!), not ever imagining a world filled with cars, airplanes, internet, video games and politicians who do the most asinine things in the name of democracy and humanitarianism. 
I know that our illegal immigrant guests give back to our country in purchases and such, but they also cost our nation in health care, food subsidies and border security. At last count there were 
over 10 MILLION illegal guest immigrants in our nation. In my opinion, that is at least 10 Million too many. 

I grew up in Southern California, where you can't throw a rock without hitting an IGI. They provide much to our culture; food, music, and let's not forget lawn care and dish-washing. Most, that I was acquainted with anyway, were very nice people who wanted nothing more than to live and work, and be able to provide for their families. 
At one time, in Southern California, you could pull up to any street corner intersection, especially if there was a HOME DEPOT or any other hardware giant nearby and pick up a few guys who were willing to come work at your home or location for $40 dollars a day. They were called day laborers and would do anything that you needed doing. As inflation grew, their price moved to $80 dollars a day. Now, one could argue, that these people were taking jobs from HARD WORKING AMERICANS; but, in truth, they performed the tasks that no american would want to do. So, in reality, they really aren't hurting anyone. I think it would be nice if they payed taxes.
They don't. Most live off of the grid, not known to anyone except the families they live with and sometimes to their local clergy, for these individuals are very religious. 
So, on a daily basis, these individuals to to work, come home and eat. Some do go to the CANTINAS to blow off some steam, but many, those with families in their home countries, live on a diet of beans, cheese, tortillas; maybe some rice, different juices. They survive on the bare minimum so as to have funds to send home on payday.

Our elected officials want to send them back. My only question is, HOW? 10 MILLION IGI's in our country. Know this, America, no one is going anywhere. There are too many to send back. 
Find a way to document them and have them pay taxes. Charge taxes to those who employ them and exploit them. Of course, once they can legally work and deserve a higher wage, employers will stop employing them and they'll be unemployed, thus having no other recourse but to go home or elsewhere looking for employment.
To our elected officials trying to tackle this endeavor, good luck. More on this at a later time.

There are many topics/issues that need to be addressed. I don't see us going back to the good ol' days where we were the land of promise, milk and honey, or whatever phrase you would like to use to describe us. That time is over. There is no going back; but we do have to look forward; forward to living together in harmony, with respect for the cultures and lives of one another. In this country, in some places, that's no easy task. We have to look at what we're doing in the middle east and why are we still there. We must decide on what America wants to be, the worlds police(not to mention largest borrower) or does she want to be a country that truly cares for her citizens and provides them with a wonderful country to live in. So many choices. I know that deep down, americans know what is right; they just want to do what's easy. That time will end and probably soon. The main question then will be, WHAT NOW?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thougths and Ramblings..

A Few Thoughts Before Bed...
I have a few ideas running through my mind right now. I am really tired. It has been a great week for me, but yesterday the cold just kicked my butt. I am glad to have the next couple of days off. There is a lot going on in our nation, not to mention the world.. I think I will take my own advice and just focus on our nation for now…
1. I don’t care who you choose to marry, spend your life with or love; I don’t think the Government should either. We live in a time where things must change. It is no longer just vanilla, chocolate or strawberry; we have new flavors! I don’t think that it matters who or what you choose to love; I think that the important thing is that you CHOOSE to LOVE. May the SCOTUS find it’s courage to make the right decision for our nation at this time of transition and growth.
2. That Nutjob in Colorado who took all those lives of the individuals watching the BATMAN movie has decided to join the real world and communicate his desire to plea bargain to save him from the Death Penalty! Isn’t that convenient? He has somehow found his sanity to save his pitiful life! I personally, DO NOT BELIEVE in the Death Penalty; I have my reasons for that. Perhaps it stems from my religious upbringing or the fact that I just don’t believe it is our job to take the lives of those incarcerated. HOWEVER; I believe that this individual should be dipped in a tank full of hungry piranha, limb by limb…. That’s All.
3. I saw our illustrious leader on television the other day, at a ceremony naturalizing new American Citizens. Amongst these newly naturalized citizens were a dozen or so Military Personnel. 
Good for them! Congratulations and welcome to our country!
HOWEVER, with the sequestration affecting every other aspect of our country’s daily operation; shouldn’t Barry have waited to bring in new Citizens until all of this SEQUESTRATION drama has been settled??? After all, we have Air Traffic Control Towers that are currently unmanned. We have school children being turned away from The White House after planning months in advance to visit the domicile of the President and his Family; because of the SEQUESTRATION…. Really, Barry? You couldn’t put this photo op on hold for a few weeks or months?
I guess the SEQUESTRATION only affects what Obama wants affected. I saw on CNN that his family had a very nice vacation in the Bahamas! Couldn’t they, shouldn’t they have vacationed domestically to save a few TAX PAYER DOLLARS?!
I mean, what’s wrong with Walt Disney World? Universal Studios? Skiing in Aspen? Maybe even touring New York to see a Musical, some museums and maybe even touring the still un-repaired areas that were devastated by Super Storm Sandy, last year? It could’ve been educational as well as relaxing!
Just wanted to get my thoughts out before I lost them somewhere in DreamLand.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

More Observations...

I wonder if all families are crazy? Sometimes, I enjoy sitting back and just watch what people are going through. What gets me is the pettiness of some things. Shit that goes back decades! I think about my dad sometimes. I always think of the good things. My dad was a great guy. Like I once described him to my friend Jo Hill back at Northpoint, "He was the best father he knew how to be..." 

Dad didn't have great examples back in his youth with his family. I don't want to go into it fully because, well, it would affect the family dynamic with everyone who is still around. Also, personally, I am a firm believer in not putting ones laundry out to dry in public; suffice to say, I believe that one will be who he wants to be, despite outside influences. 

I had a great upbringing. I was able to travel as a child, had the benefit of a private education and I had a family who loved me. I think they still do(love me, that is!), I know that I love them. it's like I tell the big guy upstairs everyday, I'd be nothing without them. I am well aware of that.

Dad made sure that we always had everything we needed; and stuff we didn't need as well. We went on vacations several times a year. We had bicycles, motorcycles, boats and all the extras that one could want. Life wasn't perfect by any means, but I/we were greatly blessed. We still are.

I don't know that I was the son that my father wanted. I did grow up pretty much not giving him any grief. I worked hard at that. I grew up watching my alcoholic uncle creating grief for everyone in the family. He was a real piece of work. He was one of the most intelligent men I have ever encountered in my life, but he didn't have the sense to come in out of the rain. Anyone know someone like that??? He is still a major asshole. Anyway, enough about him.

I was no saint; but I tried to be as good as I could be. Yes, I was a liar, a thief and a manipulator in my youth... but after a couple of behavioral interventions from my mom, dad and Grandpa Pete, I saw the errors of my ways... Of course when I acted out, the Penguins(nuns) at school typically found out what I was up to and they'd lay in to me too. 

I know that I am a sinner, I profess this to the lord every morning, afternoon and night. I ask him to help me be the best person I possibly can be. No easy task. I honestly feel for my Guardian Angel, he has a tough job.  I do try to live a decent life and to be the type of person who gives back to society as opposed to the type that takes away or is a burden upon society.
Is it easy; well, sometimes. However, like most people, I am tempted at times. Sin exists in the realm of the physical world; but the planning exists in the human psyche.

Everyone, goes through these things. Everyone experiences temptation. Some succumb to it, others defeat it. Despite ones response; it is safe to say, that temptation leaves an impact on your personality, character. This could be positive or negative, perhaps even some elements of both. No matter what, whomever we choose to be, we are human. We all have good and bad elements within us. We all have to learn to control these entities within us.

People who sit and ponder their place in the world, need to find the good things that they have within them. Sometimes this is hard for humans. I think it is hard for most people to say or admit the benevolence that they possess. It is far easier to ponder ones faults. I know it is for me.

Once, when I was at Northpoint, I had to respond on one of my employee evaluations, what my strengths were, in detail. Now, I know what they are; but admitting them aloud, well that's a different thing. I am great at most things that I undertake; however I try to show some semblance of humility. Not always an easy undertaking. But, one try's anyway. 

I have no trouble writing that I am great at everything I do. I believe that comes from something instilled in me by my dad. He always told me to not do things in a "mickey mouse" manner. He told me if I was going to be a shit shoveler, to be the best shit shoveler I could be. Thankfully, it hasn't come to that, yet. There is still time though!

Knowing how great I am(ahem), I have to look in the mirror and also admit that I am a lazy motherfucker. I own it. I am the laziest person I know. If in my travels, whether it be training or coordinating at Disney; or just in my daily encounters with people, I come across someone whom I consider to be lazy; that is a bad thing. 

Some people don't think I am lazy. I do appear to be a hard worker and I take pride in my work ethic. I am getting older. This month, I will be turning 49 years old; all that I can say is "wow". 
I don't think that I ever imagined myself at this age. In truth, it ain't no thing. I don't feel any different from when I was 29, 39 or 16 for that matter. 
I am in better physical shape than I was 20 years ago. I have lost nearly 200 pounds in the last eight years and I can really see it. I am still wearing the same clothes, which fit me like a tent for the most part and everyone around me tells me to buy new clothes but the truth is, it reminds me of where I was to continue to wear these clothes. 

Now, loosing nearly 200 pounds hasn't been all good, I am physically not as healthy as I was or thought I was with all of the weight loss. I felt great when I was 400 pounds. I ate well, I didn't exercise or do much more than hang at Disneyland on the weekends. I am far more active nowadays, but I just don't feel all that great. I take vitamins, eat fairly healthy, but still, sometimes I feel so drained. Someone recently said, maybe it was Dave Koz, an old friend that 50 is the new 30; but I don't think that is exactly true. Maybe 50 will infuse me with a renewal of much needed energy. We'll have to wait and see. In the mean time, I'm going to chat with Dave to see what his secret is. Perhaps he'll share it with me.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Go For It!

I remember my first ever union meeting when I was in the Society of Film Composers and Lyricists. Everyone was in the process of forming this union for those of us who worked in film and television. Someone stood up and started to speak and as I recall he was a member of the Writers Guild based in Hollywood, California. He said some poignant statements. One being that ALL writers, despite your genre or writing tools are faced with that same blank page that stares you in the face; one has to create the art that goes onto that blank page.

This is not an easy thing. For one; sometimes; some people have so many things floating through their mind that they know not what to put on that page. For that reason, we prioritize. One would just hope that the words we put onto that page, forms into something that other people will find stimulating and illuminating enough to compel them to read this work; am additionally, help these readers find some joy in reading these words that people put down on paper.

I know very few people actually use paper anymore; more often than not, people create their opuses on laptops, desktops and ipads or some other sort of tablet device. With the help of a Bluetooth keyboard, sometimes, I create notes on my smart phone and email the note to my yahoo account where I can then cut and past it into my word software, then I could fine tune whatever it is that I am working on. That is not the case with this note; I am actually sitting at my laptop, watching CNN and contemplating exactly what I want to say. 

I keep a folder on my computer filled with ideas for notes, blogs, essays… There are a lot of ideas! However, I don’t know how much of these thoughts really belong outside of my head. I have thoughts about the sequestration, the papal conclave, Bloomberg’s attack on sugary drinks and junk food, and so many other things that people most likely don’t really give any thought to. People other than myself anyway.

The worse thing is, when I’m asleep in the middle of the night (which I enjoy immensely), and I suddenly awaken with some crazy idea for a note topic and I have to sit up and make a file on the ipad. When I finally get back to that topic; the enthusiasm and drive is gone; my thoughts have moved on to something else. Go figure.

I find the same to be true when I’m currently occupied with a project and a piece of music; a germ to say, makes itself present in my mind. I feel compelled to immediately run to my mini-disc recorder and hum or sing my little musical germ to see if it grows into some sort of musical infection (lol!).

As I mentioned earlier, all creators; writers, composers, authors, reporters, etc. are faced with that empty page for which to put on their opus. One of my favorite directors/writer/author/actor and all around great guy, Kevin Smith of Silent Bob fame, once made the comment when it comes to creating something was “Why Not?” do it; just go for it and don’t look back.

This does open a can of worms. Within all of us, there is an invisible barrier; a line, a wall, a crevice, canyon, river, ocean or stream that holds us back from going all out. I know this because just when I am about to let it all out; to go for it; I run straight into that damn wall! Really; what could happen if I write something so eye opening or jaw dropping? What could it really do? Compel people to think? Compel people to talk and contemplate the thoughts that run deep through our minds? I don’t see how that could be a bad thing.

I personally have been aware of this barrier for quite some time. I have sat and pondered how I am going to breach this barrier. It would be awesome if I could go into my psyche to lay waste to this invisible limiter, either with a RPG or some C-4 and a remote detonator; however, this is impossible. I think that the only way to truly defeat this barrier is to take it head on with an Abrams Tank. Just punch through it and keep going. This is what I am going to have to do in order to breach this barrier and discover my true ability.
This undertaking is scary, but necessary.

I continue to work toward this goal. I invite all of you to also undertake this endeavor. Imagine a world full of people who don’t hold back; what an interesting world we’d find ourselves in.

More later!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Zero Tolerance

It was reported on CNN today that an 8 year old boy was suspended from his grammar school for fashioning a pastry into what appeared to be a gun in class during his snack period! He was reported to have pointed the pastry at people and said, “Bang!”
Let this set in…..
Really!!! What kind of assholes do we have educating out children? Having been an educator/therapist at one time in my life, I viewed this and the interview with the child and his father and thought; What the fuck?!?! 
When I was in school, in Southern California, I had fellow students who carried real guns in school; they carried pellet guns, bb guns, knives, toys and real. Scary to think of today, and had anyone been found out they’d have been suspended, and I believe, deservedly so. 
This little boy just bit his donut into what appeared to be a gun. Reportedly he wasn’t trying to do that; it just happened. 
I think that as our society continues to run around shouting out that the sky is falling; is going to seriously inhibit our children’s self expression. 
Had this child, said he was going to bring in a gun and shoot everyone; then I could see this type of punishment being given. 
Had this child slapped, hit, kicked or spit on a student or teacher; I could see a suspension being an appropriate action to change the direction of this child’s behavior. That wasn’t the case. 
Walk down the aisle of any toy department and you’ll find guns, holsters, machine guns, bows and arrows, space phasers and all types of soft projectile toys. Anyone ever play with a NERF gun? I did. Hell, sometimes, I still do.
When I was young, my father took me out and taught me how to shoot a real gun. I was taught how to carry a weapon, load a weapon and shoot a weapon. I was also taught to RESPECT that weapon. 
I have owned a gun since I was ten years old. I have never brandished a weapon in anger, nor have I even thought of it. 
A weapon is for self defense, to protect yourself and those that you love. 
I believe that it is every SANE citizens duty to own and know how to operate a self defense weapon. I don’t think that our country wants to be a country of victims. Failure to be able to defend yourself and your loved ones can indeed make you a target to be a victim of violence.
Kids play video games that are violent, they watch television and movies that are violent, they read books that are violent, and yet most, are not violent. It’s that .00001 child that gets
punished. I wonder if his teacher just dislikes that child.
In my classroom, I’d have called that particular child over and told him that donuts were for eating; not shooting at people and let it go. This child’s teacher was probably some leftist nut job thinking that guns are evil. In my humble opinion, this teacher is EVIL; terrorizing some poor kid. Counsel the child, don’t punish the child; unless the behavioral outburst truly warrants a punishment. 
Get over it teachers; love and nurture your student from 4 to 24; they’ll be better students and you’ll be a better teacher for the effort!

The Daily Dribble

So, I haven't written anything in a while; I don’t really know why. I try to stay away from the computer for a while sometimes. Of course, there is still the ipod, ipad and droid; they all have some form of online capabilities. Anyway, in the interim, life has been okay; mom is doing better and Roy is well, thankfully. Chico is doing great though he is a bit sad that Amber and Jon went home yesterday. I sometimes feel bad for the little guy because he loves Amber so much. I know he'll feel better when Amber moves in with us at the beginning of summer. Chico is so much fun to have around the house most of the time. Sometimes he does get a bit irritating when he demands that I take him outside, even though, Roy or Mom have already done so.
There are moments that I am extremely thrilled that I have Cheeks in my life. I really miss him when he is hanging out with Amber when she visits. I guess I just have gotten used to having him around all the time. I do know that he loves Amber so very much. After all, he left his family and came across country for her. Other than mom and sometimes, Roy, I don't have too many people to talk to at home; that is the cost of being a-social or as I call it; a cave hermit. I love to spend my time at home in my room. I have all the luxuries necessary, except for a mini-fridge or a microwave oven. I don't really need those though, because I am only a few steps away from the kitchen; when we finally move in July that may be different. I will contemplate having those items then. But right now...
I have been watching the news with so much going on in the world in the last week. Car chases and shootings in Las Vegas, the Pope retiring; unprecedented; the nation about to come to a standstill over some financial sequester that Obama set up years ago, which could lead to tens of thousands of people to be furloughed out of work.
Through all of this, people are going on their merry way. It is as if people don’t care about what goes on outside of their little realm of life.  Maybe it’s better that way; just worry about yourself. We as a nation are no longer worried about each other.  We worry only about ourselves and it’s starting show. There is no camaraderie as there once was amongst us. I fail to see any type of brotherhood amongst Americans. I don’t think that there is a binding spirit that will continue to hold us together as time goes on; and I wonder what will happen when the shit hits the fan, how we will get each other through it; how America will continue to be great or even find it’s greatness that it once had. America needs to awaken and see that things are not wonderful in this once great land. We need to see it; and act upon it; and quickly.
The Catholic Church(of which I am a member of), is going through so much right now. Everyone is quick to judge the priests, cardinals and anyone else connected with the Church. Benedict the XIV is slated to leave the Vatican tonight. He is going into a self-imposed exile. The details make it sound like he’s going into incarceration. The original news story was that he planned on living out the rest of his days back in Germany with his brother; a quiet life filled with all of the things he enjoyed in his youth. However, the Vatican has other plans for him. Instead, for the next few months he will be residing in the Papal Summer Home, sans ring, and red shoes. He will be wearing a pair of brown shoes that were given to him on his recent visit to Mexico. He will dress in a simple white cassock with no symbols of his once esteemed position in the church. In a few months, he will go to live in a convent that is being remodeled for him to live out the rest of his days. He will carry the title of “Pontificus Emeritus” or “His Holiness”.
I mentioned to mom, if it were me; I’d leave the priesthood, and go live my life as a commoner; a lay person who would be able to enjoy his life; what’s left of it, anyway.
I do understand why this is happening. It would be very hard to live in peace; people following you around, reporters questioning you on every move the church makes. It’s not like the world would respect his privacy. I wish him well; as well as his replacement; he’ll need it.
It is going to be interesting to see how the Catholic Church changes over the next few years. I remember when Cardinal Ratzinger took over as Pope Benedict; it was said then, that due to his heightened age, he would be a transition-era pope. Hopefully, the College of the Cardinals will conclave and choose a young, strong, intelligent replacement for Benedict; a Pope that will see the world with fresh eyes. I think that the Church and the world need that.
My little piece of the world is much simpler than what goes on around me. I am fortunate in that manner. I go to work, come home, eat, sleep, take care of mom and Roy; Chico too; spend time watching TV in my man-cave; mostly it’s a cush life. Of course, my life isn’t perfect. There are some aspects to my life that are stressful; not a lot, but some, like most people on Earth.
I think sometimes; I like many other people on Earth, make mountains out of mole-hills.  I am a very blessed individual.  I try not to forget that. Sometimes, I do. I am resolved to be grateful for every moment of my life for the rest of my life. I want to accept my life as it comes and try to regulate it to be as positive for everyone around me as I possibly can.  More later…

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Daily Routine

My day ended up being pretty good today. I never really talk about work; I guess because it isn’t very exciting; for the most part. I no longer work at Disney’s Hollywood Studios where I worked at eight different attractions. It was never really boring, but it was frustrating being moved around all the time.

Now, I spend all of my time, for the most part at the International Gateway, greeting guests, scanning tickets and providing support for the rest of the cast members I work with.  The people I work with are pretty awesome people. I like them all. I work with a number of individuals who work well together, though we all have our little idiosyncrasies.

My typical day starts around seven a.m. I get up, usually to an excited Chico(my Chihuahua), I clean up, shave, brush the pearlies, make lunch, have breakfast, put on my costume jump on Marisol(my Ninja) or Gertie(Roy’s V-Star) and make the fifteen minute drive to EPCOT.

When I arrive at Cast Services, I go to my locker, switch jackets and make my way to the bus stop outside of the CS building, where I await the arrival of the Cast West bus.
While I wait, I take the time to change out of my jeans, pack them into my bag, update my twitter and facebook on my phone and board the bus when it arrives.
The bus ride usually takes about ten minutes where I get off at the International Gateway. Usually, I am the only one who gets off there. Everyone else(usually ICP’s) get off at the other stops which are the Japan, Morocco, German, Italian and French Pavilions.
The bus is a plethora of languages and cultures and I often enjoy listening to the conversations that occur.

When I arrive at my destination, I get to my mini-locker and change shoes, get my water bottle and pouch, where I keep a towel, mints, hand sanitizer, stickers, pens, a marker and my tell-a-cast. These are all of the things that I may need at any moment. Of all these things, the tell-a-cast is the most useful. A tell-a-cast is like a super times guide that gives us all of the information that is needed to help the guests plan out their day.

I clock in at our breakroom on a computer that runs what we call CDS. CDS stands for Cast Deployment System. CDS tells us where we are supposed to be, sends us on break, lunch and when it’s time to bump out and clock out.

I get two fifteen minute breaks on short days and they add a forty-five minute break on my long days. I have lunch on my first fifteen minute break and go back to work.
Though I hate the long days, the forty-five minute break is a good rest period. This period gives me time to watch a video on the ARCHOS or the ipod. Sometimes, I carry my ipad with me to do some writing or reading. All in all, my day is a bit diversified.

I don’t really talk with many of the people I work with. I am quite fond of a couple, especially Vera and Marianne. All of the regulars there are pretty awesome. The cast members, who work at the Main Entrance in the front, call the International Gateway area, The Island of The Misfits. I think that is incredibly mean. Everyone I work with is fun.

We enjoy our conversations and the time we spend with each other. We work well together, watch over each other, cover when one-another needs a water of bathroom break. It’s a positive environment to work in.  The day usually goes quickly, as we get the guests through the turnstiles. We help them solve ticket problems, answer the questions they have about the park and resorts in the area. We explain the FASTPASS system, help them plan out their day, figure out which shows to see, what attractions to ride and what eateries to visit.

Most of the guests are really wonderful people. They are one of the main reasons I work at DISNEY. I love meeting people from around the world and I am really thrilled when I meet people from my home state of California. Occasionally, I actually meet people from the San Fernando Valley, where I grew up. It is always fun to reminisce about home, the sights, and the restaurants and hang outs back home.

There are those guests that are not that friendly. Having been a guest there in 2004, the one week in August that there was no hurricane, I know how frustrating it can be waiting in lines, to get into the park when your ticket doesn’t work. There are lines for the attractions, eateries and even lines to go to the bathroom. Visiting Walt Disney World isn’t cheap. It can be affordable if you plan for it. For two of us, my god-daughter, Ashley and I, for seven days with airfare it was nearly four-thousand dollars. This did not include any meal plan. We actually spent additional money for our meals. Eating at Disney is not inexpensive. I would say about five hundred dollars went on meals. So, I understand how expensive it is to visit; a family of four most likely spends a lot more for a week. The typical cost of a week at Disney World is anywhere from five to fifteen thousand dollars per week! Not everyone has a great time at Walt Disney World.
Some guests, curse at us, and swear never to return to our happy little realm.
Then of course, there are the others; the guests that love our park, don’t want to leave and can’t wait to come back. I have had many guests like that, guests that have come to find me every time they visit. This is a topic for another posting though.

When I get out early, I make it a point to walk through the park on the way home, instead of riding the Cast East bus back to Cast Services. When I walk out of the park, I usually exit out through The Mexico Pavilion, go into the CS building, head to my locker, switch jackets again, jump on the bike and make the fifteen minute ride home.

My job isn’t hard, it isn’t life altering but, I still make a difference. I make a difference for the guests I greet with a smile everyday. I serenade the birthday girls and boys, men and women; I bow to and greet the little princesses that come to visit our realm. I congratulate the Anniversary Couples and those celebrating everything else that they can on their visit.

I want to make one note on this mini-topic; a couple of years ago, I was very happily working in my playground at Hollywood Studios. It is the Honey I Shrunk The Kids Playground where everything is HUGE! The size of everything in the playground gives one the impression that they are ant-sized. Anyway, I was at the photo-cell position where the guests enter/exit. On one particular afternoon, there was this adorable little six year old girl named Marissa. She took time to sit on the rock by the PC and just engaged me in conversation. She talked to me about living in Massachusetts and how she was really enjoying her trip to Disney World. This trip happened to be her second trip in two years. Her mother walked up and joined in on the conversation. Marissa introduced me to her mom and ran off to play. Marissa had been wearing one of the green Celebration buttons that we give to the guests for various celebrations. I asked her mom what Marissa was celebrating. Her mother, whose name I don’t recall right at this moment, proceeded to tell me that Marissa was celebrating being free of Leukemia. She continued to inform me that when Marissa had visited the previous year, she was on her Make-A-Wish trip, a trip for children who are not expected to survive whatever ailments that they are battling.
This wonderful, courageous little cherub faced death and stared it down. I was so moved by this child, this family; that I was compelled to summon another cast member to take over for me for a few moments, so that I could go back stage and cry my eyes out.
I know that I have made a positive difference in many lives, young and old; however this little angel, Marissa, made a phenomenal impact on my life that continues to shape my way of thinking and actions to this day.

Not every day is like this; in fact these types of days are few and far between, but they are great experiences that I am able live through and document, hopefully to read years down the line and remember what it is that I am currently doing. I don’t know that I’ll stay at Walt Disney World for years to come. I try to go day by day, until something else that garners my attention comes into focus. For now, I like seeing my friends at the International Gateway every day. They are a fun bunch; I for one am proud to be a member of the Island of The Misfits!

Friday, February 8, 2013

My thoughts on Sandy Hook's child exploitation..

My Thoughts on….

The Sandy Hook Children: I am a self proclaimed News Junkie. I own it; admit it and enjoy it. I have, like the rest of the nation no doubt; such a feeling of sorrow for all those that were lost and all those they left behind in that senseless shooting.
However, if appearances are worth anything; the survivors look great. They have been making the rounds on television as of late; the Super bowl, The Grammy's later this week and a few other events. I think it’s awesome that they are healing so well; I only hope that all of this attention they’re getting doesn't hurt them when every one is finished exploiting them. And yes, I wrote the word EXPLOITING.

Our inept leader in the White House has an agenda; and I for one, believe he is behind all of this Sandy Hook attention. I believe that these children will continue to fuel his plans for quite a while to come. I hope I’m wrong; but I am usually not.

When one stops to look at our world around us and particularly our nation; it would seem quite coincidental how all of these incidents are falling right into place and more than that, everything that is happening, seems to be supporting Obamas’ agenda. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m full of dung; I don’t know. What I do know is that the children of Sandy Hook underwent a traumatic, life altering experience. Some of the notoriety that they are receiving is therapeutic; however some of it isn’t. When the controlling powers are finished with them, they’ll be thrown to the back burner and that’s when they’ll have to contend with all the loss and sadness that they have been avoiding. It sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me; not that anyone did.

Keep the people and children of Sandy Hook in your thoughts and prayers, America; I don’t think the political machine in the White House is.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Immigration Reform, part 1

My thoughts on:

Immigration Reform. This is a topic that makes one experience a myriad of emotions. The comments that one makes on this topic can lead to one being branded a racist, bleeding heart liberal and everything in-between. This isn’t anything new; people have been coming across the border or over the oceans for many decades; even centuries. Our forebears weren’t all born here. We are not a nation of Sioux, Cherokee or Cree.
We are white, Mexican, Cuban, Russian, Swedish, British, Irish, Portuguese, Chinese, Taiwanese, Thai, Puerto Rican(yeah, I know..), Hindu, Canadian, Nigerian, Moroccan, French, Honduran, Costa Rican, Guatemalan, Dominican, Haitian, and every other type of race there is in the world. This is America. America is an idea; an idea that led to a reality. America started as a dream. America was that haven that so many hoped to find. America is a place that one is able to come to and live their lives their own way; lawfully, freely, religiously.

We learned that the Pilgrims, left England and the Netherlands to come to a place where they could live their lives the way that they wanted to. They wanted freedom to practice their religion away from the clutches of the government. Others came to America to etch out a life for themselves with no limits. People came to America to tame a wild land.
America was the new frontier. Everyone was coming here; we just didn’t know that until recently. If you stop and look at all of the cultures that came and explored; we could well belong to the rest of the world.

California for one; my home state, was settled by the Spaniards and peoples from Mexico. Yes it was taken as spoils of war, but that that doesn’t make it right. If you ask me, you should give it back. California is the shining example of why we need immigration reform. We have approximately 8 million guest residents living in the continental United States. They are, without question a blessing and a burden to our economy and culture.

100 years ago, we could continue to say, send us your tired weary and huddled masses. Now the new saying is Welcome to America, now go home! Another friendly one is No Vacancy! You can’t blame most Americans for the feelings they have on this topic. I mentioned earlier that our illegal guests are both a blessing and a curse. They’re a blessing economically because they spend a lot of money in our society. They add billions of dollars to our economy. These people know how to spend money. Their philosophy regarding life is fairly simple: Live in the moment; because tomorrow may not come. If these individuals were suddenly gone tomorrow; we’d be unhappy campers. It’s been said before, but these people do all the jobs no one else wants. They are the dishwashers, the gardeners, house-keepers, day laborers and so on.

I remember a few years ago I watched a movie called A Day Without A Mexican. This movie went on the premise that all the illegal aliens were disappearing off the face of the earth. It was humorous, but it did make one think about the idea behind this movie. These people do give back to society and probably far more than they take from it.

Of course there are always two sides to any topic. The cons are evident in this matter. Some, and unfortunately, I don’t have the percentages, but I will estimate that it is near 40 percent of all immigrants get some sort of help; mostly medical. Being from Southern California and utilizing the health care system in California, one only needs to go to any county hospital emergency room to see how prevalent the illegal guests are. One could go into an E.R. and be there for hours. Our society makes it too easy to get services; at least for immigrants, legal or otherwise. W.I.C. programs, food stamps, welfare, medi-care and whatever else there is for the taking. These individual learn how to use the system. Unfortunately, they are a burden to the system.

Let’s take a look at my former home state of California. California is circling around the drain. They are forever a month away from going bankrupt. Several counties and cities in California have already filed for bankruptcy. Immigration laws don’t work. I don’t know if they ever have. Perhaps they never will. All one has to do is drive through some of the areas in Los Angeles to see how many guest residents there are. I have seen neighborhoods where garages are converted to living quarters and up to 20 people live in one property. There are neighborhoods where this occurs where maybe up to 200 people live in an area where fifty are meant to live.

Finding a parking spot for your vehicle is incredibly difficult sometimes as well. I lived in one of these neighborhoods where every house had a garage and every garage was converted. I remember on several occasions I’d return home from work in the evening and I couldn’t get into my own driveway because there were cars blocking it. I don’t know how many cars I had towed away, not to be mean, but because there was no way to find out whose car it was. There were that many vehicles.

All of these people worked; some out of their homes. The ones that left for work every day, were painters, drywallers, carpenters, all of whom, trained with other people and then decided to venture off on their own. Now bear in mind that all of these peoples worked under the table. They were all guest residents without legal status so they couldn’t work legally on the books. All of these individuals worked without paying taxes. TAX FREE! In case you didn’t notice, this is my only true issue with these people. I think that the govt. has it all wrong, I think that it is time to embrace these people, the new ideas that the GOP and Obama are touting seem to focus on these things. Let everybody who is currently here register for work visas and start to pay taxes. I think once that happens though, they will demand better pay and the individuals who are employing them illegally are going to stop utilizing these people, hence, they won’t be able to pay these taxes should this happen, I believe that work will become scarce and these individuals will be compelled to head home.

I think it’s important to know, that I’ve had a very hard time writing this post. I am torn when it comes to immigration. In some ways, I think those of us whom are so adamant about immigration reform are in a way exhibiting contradictory behavior. If you stop to think about it, 99 percent of the nation are descendants of immigrants. My great grandparents came from Italy, Asia, Europe and Mexico. If there were no immigration from them, I’d have never been born.

A while back, I toyed with the idea of doing a family tree. I soon tired of that. My family comes from all over the world. It was mind torturing. At some point I think that I will make the attempt to work on that. I am going to ask one of my cousins to help out with this because we have to get to talk with the family members that are in the more rural parts of the country and whom are getting older with every passing day.

I one time asked my father about our family roots and for some reason he became very nervous; it was as if he did not want me digging. I’m admittedly lazy, so I didn’t really do very much digging on the subject. I am starting to think more and more that anyone who is so gung ho about immigration reform, should do some exploring of their roots. As I like to state, the only true Americans are the Sioux, Cherokee and other nations of Native Americans. All the rest us are transplants.
Until next time!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Some thoughts...

My thoughts on:

Little Princesses. I was at work today and working at EPCOT, one is usually surrounded by little princesses and young pirates, fairies and the like. We take pride in the service we provide to our thousands of guests that come through our turnstiles on a daily basis. Many of those guests are young guests; or little guests. Of course, many of these younger guests dress up to emulate their favorite princesses, characters or pirates. As cast members, we make a BIG DEAL about this. We bow and say things like, “Welcome, Princess: thank you for gracing us with your presence…” Sometimes we ask for their autographs and shower them with attention. The kids love it, the parents are grateful and glow with happiness and we as cast members, enjoy the interaction with our youngest guests, whom hopefully, one day; will be bringing children of their own to relive their memories through them.

When young pirates come through our turnstiles, we behave in the same manner, only using pirate jargon. I especially enjoy this; I go a bit over the top when I do this. I enjoy using my “arrghs” and “Avhast there’s” I call the young buccaneers “matey” and “me earties.” This is just expected when one visits Walt Disney World, or any of the Disney Parks. We encourage our guests young and mature to cherish their experiences. Imagine my disgust today, after making a big deal about a couple of young princesses who were coming into the park on their very first visit, then hearing two other guests; a married couple, without children I would imagine; state to one another how foolish these children looked being dressed like this and the immaturity of the “employees” who were making a fuss about this…! I was aghast! I was miffed; pissed; upset, angry, irked and it took all of my self control to hold back a lashing from my tongue.

How dare these individuals come to our house and tell us what is foolish?!?! I imagine these two, should they ever become parents, they’ll insist that their children take lessons in eloquence; dress their sons in ascots and penny loafers; which is fine, should you be into that; it’s not a bad look. These are the same individuals that well dress their daughters in black patent leather shoes, frilly socks and Sunday dresses with gloves, hats and teaching their children that horrible rule; Children Should Be Seen And Not Heard…

I don’t think how people choose to raise and indulge their kids, is anyone’s business. You want to express your point to your significant other, tell them out of ear shot of other people. Most people don’t care one bit what your beliefs are, despite what they may tell you to your face. For myself; if anyone criticized the way I would indulge my children, niece or nephew, or god-daughter; and it not be their parent; I’d very bluntly tell them what they could do with their opinion, and, remind them that opinions are like a certain appendage that every human body has.

Our world is so fucked up that people are losing their minds when it comes to trying to figure out how to protect our loved ones; especially our children. If parents/guardians want to let their children live in a fantasy world, hey, the longer the better. Our world is filled with sick fucks. All one has to do is watch the news, read the paper, listen to the radio to be shocked into remembering how easy it is to lose control of our society.

I knew a man once, who was opinionated and sick in his thinking. Not that all whom are opinionated are sick, but if the shoe fits…
This individual spewed trash like it was being paid for. He used his children as trained dogs when he had company. He’d snap his fingers in front of his guests and humiliate his kids into waiting on him hand and foot. What an asshole. I despised him from the moment I met him and I made sure he knew it.

Life is too short; and provides its own set of stresses and failures; life beats one down hard enough on its own; why would anybody else choose to do the same? Live and let live; let the kids play, indulge them, play with them and get in on the act!
If you have a little princess, pirate, space ranger, clown, cowboy, fireman, policeman, sailor, soldier, airman or whatever; encourage them to live it out; encourage them to embrace it while they can. All these entities can be taught the responsibilities that these alter-egos must possess. And finally; when it’s time to put the costumes away or when they’re too shredded or faded to wear; nay when they are outgrown, remind them that just because the costume is off; doesn’t’ mean the inner being is gone. Bow and curtsy to your daughters; encourage them to reciprocate; teach your young pirates about loyalty and friendship; model it, live it and believe it; chances are, they will too!
Just my thoughts…

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Old Dayz

When I was a young lad, growing up in Southern California; I was weird! I was born at 6 months of gestation and was allergic to everything when I came into the world. I couldn’t eat all of the things normal people ate; peaches, nectarines, apricots, oranges all sorts of nuts. I could eat sunflower seeds though! That’s a good thing.  Hence, I became a VERY picky eater. When I was little; I was a skinny little thing. I never drank milk or dairy products (except ice cream!), I hated cheese. I never ate fish sticks, or pork chops or anything like that. Mom is a phenomenal cook and makes incredible food, Mexican, Italian, or whatever. I am like her; I’m a great cook as well. I think individuals who are daring are great cooks and chefs.

My mom tells me stories of when I was young; I’d lock her out of the house and eat the summer fruits that were in the fruit bowl on the table. I’d get so sick, my grandfather and uncle would have to come and get into the house then rush me to the hospital. This apparently happened a few times and my mom got into the habit of pinning a door key to her blouse whenever she went outside. The kicker was we had all of these fruit trees in the backyard; all of the forbidden fruits, literally in the back yard. I guess I finally decided to stop eating these fruits, even after I outgrew most of the allergies. I still can’t eat apricots; those things land me in the hospital every time. It’s okay; I guess I really am not missing anything.

I am a great baseball enthusiast; I love the sport. Living in Southern California; I spent most of my time at Dodger Stadium; 2 or 3 times a week. I had tickets for one game for each team of each homestand. I loved sitting in the bleachers; eating Dodger Dogs, drinking my COKE and having my chips and salsa. My friend Jim Overall always had his Dodger Dogs and his big pretzel with mustard. I thoroughly enjoyed the times I spent at the game with Jim. He was a great friend. In fact, I think all of the individuals whom I had in my life during what I’ll call the “Northpoint Years”, were pretty awesome.

I’ll go more into the “Northpoint Years” at a later time; just let me say that these are the years most of the changes came into my life. I became who I am, in a way. I made some wonderful friends during this time and I miss them all terribly.

There was time at the Lakers games and Might Ducks of Anaheim, Kings, Clippers; I really enjoyed the Dodger Games best though. I guess getting back to my point; I am extremely happy that I outgrew most of these food allergies; there is nothing better than sitting at the game, peanuts in hand, being chased down by an icy cold Coca-Cola.

The first time I had that combination was a memorable one. The story goes(as reported to me by my father), dad had taken me to Hansen Dam Park in Lake View Terrace, California. That is where I grew up. On the weekends, they had pony rides, a train that went around the park, stage coach rides and a big lake for fishing and stuff. I guess one Sunday afternoon, dad took me to the park and got me a coke and some peanuts, when all of a sudden I got really sick; scary sick. I ended up in the hospital, yet again and they found that I had peanut allergies. From that moment forward, they scrutinized everything that went into my mouth. It wasn’t a fun time growing up when it came to eating.

Somewhere around my 17th birthday, my little Japanese doctor, Dr. Tong, was giving me a physical and after many tests told me that I’d outgrown most of my allergies. This was great news to me, because I was getting out and about more on my own. I didn’t need mom and dad to clear everything I ate.

So, getting back to Dodger Stadium and peanuts; it was great to finally be able to enjoy these sporting event staples together. I have to say that still at times, I’d forego the peanuts and have a bag of sunflower seeds stashed in my pocket and by the time we left the game, it looked like there had been a party of parrots sitting in my seat. This was too funny. I felt bad for the ushers who had to clean up after me.

It’s interesting to think back on one’s life and to analyze how one’s life has evolved.
In a previous posting, I stated that after I started driving, I no longer rode my bike, or roller skated or rode on my skateboard(which, admittedly I was never good at anyway), I did pick up biking again about 15 years ago. I picked up an awesome Schwinn Sidewinder mountain bike (which is still in my garage, needing some TLC), and began taking small rides around the area. The first 2 miles were killers, but within a couple of months, I was up to 12 miles, 3 times a week! I started riding for fun and would ride over to Super Crown Book Store in Granada Hills. I’d ride over to Blockbuster Video, to pick up my movies on Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday nights were my video night. I’d rent a few movies, get some take-out and sit in my man cave and watch movies until bed time.
This was the life. I had this awesome super bean bag chair that I loved sitting in. I almost never came out of my room on these days.

I remember this afternoon, I was riding somewhere in the vicinity of Devonshire and Sepulveda Blvd’s., when a car full of teen age girls shouted out at me, “Get a Car!” I laughed and retorted, “I have a car…” Actually, I had a couple of cars. This was humorous and I often wondered why we push aside all the things we enjoy in our youth, when we grow a bit older? Could it be that society deems bikes, skates and skateboards for only the children? What about being a child at heart? Granted, the only place I ride a bicycle now is at work, backstage when the opportunity presents itself. I don’t roller skate anymore, but I’d like to live somewhere that I could once again do that. I do have this awesome kick scooter; it’s a XOOTR Ultra Cruz that I picked up in New York on a trip there. I really like it and I XOOTR all over the place out here.

There are days that I will XOOTR over to Posner Park, just across the street; hang out at BAM (Books A Million) and then XOOTR home. The downhill areas are the most fun, because that scooter can fly. It isn’t like the razor scooters they sell. It is really high quality with Swiss designed wheels and frame. The deck is made of layers of birch topped with a great anti-slip layer. The XOOTR folds up really easily and has a strap to hang it over your shoulder.
If I lived closer to work and could take a bus or something, I’d XOOTR to work or ride my Schwinn, which I do plan on having serviced fairly soon. I think that this would help relieve stress some and just give me an opportunity to be out and about under the sunshine!

For now, I enjoy riding Marisol (my Ninja ZX9R) to work; or even Roy’s V-Star to work. I get to park really close to Cast services and it sure beats walking clear across the parking lot at the end of a long day on your feet. Well; that’s all for now; I have some laundry to do and all that unexciting stuff that comes on your day off!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good, Clean, Fun

I have lived most of my life cautiously. Not all of it; but most of it. When I was little; I was a straight up coward; I grew up very sheltered because I was a very sick child. I didn’t really go outside and get hurt playing sports until I was almost in my teens. Being born prematurely, I had allergies to everything. It was terrible. I went to hospital on a regular basis, I couldn’t eat anything or even play outside; it was not a fun existence.

As I grew older, I became a bit more daring. I rode my bicycle all over the San Fernando Valley; traffic back then was much lighter. Of course the day came when I started driving; so I really never rode my bike again. I didn’t lace on my roller skates, or touch my skateboard; which I was never really good at anyway.

Growing up in the Valley was interesting. There was so much to do. There was always something to do; somewhere to go. Weekends were for hanging with my friends. We would go to the movies, or fill in to one of our cars, (though most of had no licenses) and go to the drive-in, listening to one another’s reasons why we weren’t with our girls instead of being with one-another. We had lots of fun together. It was clean fun. A couple of my friends smoked and drank; but that was it. No one indulged in drugs, or hard alcohol. We’d spend time at our high school football games, go roller skating, mainly because the girl I crushed on all through high school liked to roller skate.

We spent times at Disneyland, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Universal Studios, Hollywood, Knott’s Berry Farm and all kinds of things in Southern California. I’ll write about some of these adventures at some point in the future.

I don’t have really cool, wild party, drunken exploits to reminisce on, but there were some pretty fun times. I am reminded of an evening out with my cousins, my three bestest pals, Sal, Cel and Tim. I discovered pizza late in life. I didn’t like cheese when I was a child, so I was a little late when it came to the discovery of tacos, nachos and pizza. I still don’t eat cheese-burgers.
Anyway, this one Saturday night, we’d decided to go to the moves in Northridge and decided to end the night at My Brothers Restaurant. It was an Italian food place with candles on the table and the cool thing was that they served COKE by the pitcher!
We walked in like we owned the place; we did that everywhere. We all had money from working and we spent it like it was water. Myself, I made my money working at a music store in San Fernando, CA. I played in a band, occasionally and I made money with my camera, photographing weddings, quincenearas and whatever else needed photographing.
Anyway, getting back to My Brothers Restaurant, we sat down and ordered; two large pepperoni pizzas and salad.  As we waited for our food, Cel started playing with scraps of paper from the straws, throwing them into the burning candle and amusing himself by watching the flame flare up and go back down.

At some point, Cel got bored with the little flare ups and decided to wad up a napkin and proceeded to throw it into the flickering candle. The flame that shot up was impressive. It looked like someone had built up a bonfire on the table in front of us. Without panicking, I took a glass of ice water and proceeded to pour it into the candle, but not before the glass around the candle shattered, allowing flaming wax to flow out upon the table. I put the fire out just as the owner of the restaurant brought us our pizzas; TO GO. We were banned from the restaurant, and as we exited, I proudly stated: “We’ve been thrown out of bigger dumps than this!”
We went home to have our pizza, sans pitchers of COKE. My cousins were a bit embarrassed, this having been a new experience for them.

This is a good example of what our typical nights on town were like. Living in Pacoima, I tried not to stay in that area too much. There was nothing but troubles there in the neighborhood. Most people I grew up with, and knew in the neighborhood I grew up in, ended up in prison or dead.
I decided I didn’t like those choices, so I chose to not hang out thee so much.
Most of my off time was spent in and around the other parts of the valley from Northridge to Encino, Tarzana to Studio City.

 I still remember the night I discovered Encino. Cel, Sal and I had gone to the movies in Northridge and decided we wanted to go to this hot dog place we’d heard about; it was called Carney’s. The cool thing about Carney’s was that it was on a Train Car. There were three around us; one in Hollywood on Sunset, one in Studio City on Ventura Blvd. and one in Glendale that I never found.

I think growing up in the 70’s and 80’s was a great time to grow up. The stressors and pitfalls that are so prevalent today; were absent in our time of youth. Like I stated earlier; we had good, clean fun; something that is missing today for kids out and about. It isn’t as easy to find safe fun today. There are drugs, gang shootings, abductions, rapes and other terrible pitfalls that abound in today’s society. I watch the news frequently, (I’m a news junkie, remember?), and it frightens me. My niece and nephew hang with their friends on weekends as I did and their father did, but it’s not as safe an environment for them today as it was for us. We try to tell them everything to watch for. We try to monitor who their friends are and encourage them to bring their friends home for us to meet and get to know.

Times are different. Everyday, I thank the lord that I am no longer a teen-ager trying to find himself and his place in the world. I think that is one thought that really terrifies me. Maybe, my experiences can help others grow to find themselves; and perhaps, one day I will write something poignant that will inspire someone to make good choices for themselves or even just to let someone know that there are kindred spirits out there. I think that everyone has something to say. Everyone’s voice should be heard. I also think that if you have ideas, thoughts, rants, dribble; you owe it to yourself to express yourself. You may impact someone’s life in a positive way and never even know it. For the next month or so, I am going to make the attempt to share some of my experiences; some of you may see an Al that you didn’t know; or even knew existed. For now, I’m going to go and do some reading. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Family and baseball

I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, in Southern California. I lived in a small part of the valley called Pacoima. I moved into Pacoima in 1968.  I was just about 4 years old when we moved into our own home. I enjoyed living there for a while. We had an enormous back yard; it was about ¼ - ½ acre. When I was little, I got winded just walking from the front yard to the back.

I lived in that neighborhood most of my life. It would be decades before I moved from there. I’ve mentioned before that I lived in a predominately Mexican neighborhood. There were people there who moved from Mexico to the U.S. and children of people from Mexico. As time went on, my neighborhood was starting to look like Mexico.

I can’t tell you how many times I had to slow down coming home to let someone’s stray chicken cross the street. Some of my neighbors had goats, sheep; I never thought I’d live near so many farms. My dad even got involved in this stuff; one day, he brought home two turkey chicks. He named them Tallulah and Tilly; imagine his surprise when Tallulah turned out to be a TOM Turkey! They were funny animals to be around. I won’t say that it didn’t bother me, having turkeys around the yard; at least we had a large enough yard for them. My Irish setter, Candy didn’t really mind them; she would just watch them when they trotted around the property.

Tallulah and Tilly, often ate fresh pomegranate from our tree. We had the largest Pomegranate tree in The San Fernando Valley. I go to the store here in Central Florida and purchase pomegranates here; I find it funny that they charge $3+ for a fruit that was only half the size of the ones I had at home. The girls ate well. They were funny; they had these bizarre behaviors for turkeys. Unless one spends time with them, you’d never know what kind of personalities they had.

I was in the practice of listening to the Dodger games out on my front porch on the nights that I wasn’t at the games. I had my hibachi or smokey joe jr and made my Dodger Dogs, had my coca-cola and just enjoyed listening to the game on the radio. Imagine my surprise when I found suddenly that Tallulah and Tilly also enjoyed listening to the game.
They would suddenly show up on the brick planters near where I was sitting, and just took great interest in the voices coming from the small box sitting on the side table that I had. I wondered how they had come to show up in the front yard.

The next day, I went to the back yard and tried to figure out how they got through the gates, but no matter where I looked, I couldn’t find where they’d breached them.
I decided to pay closer attention the next time they showed up in the front yard. A couple of nights later, there I was listening to the Dodgers on the radio, snacking on my sunflower seeds and Coke. All of a sudden, Tallulah shows up, having leapt from the roof of the house onto a small tree and then leapt down to the ground where he was able to leap up to the brick planter. A few moments later, Tilly followed. They took up different sides next to the radio and proceeded to watch the radio intently.

Again, the next day, I went to the back yard to see how they got up on the roof. They were so portly, they couldn’t fly. As I was looking in the back, I noticed an aluminum ladder that was propped up against our tool shed. The roof of the tool shed was only a few feet away from the roof to the house, the back part of the house where it was much flatter than the main section of the house.

As the summer went on; they continued to come and enjoy the evening Dodger games with me in the front yard. After a while, they started to roost up on the roof and Tallulah made several attempts to roost on the neighbors pine tree, unfortunately, Tallulah was a bit too heavy and would fall through the branches onto the front lawn. After a while, the feelings of awkwardness of having two turkeys in the yard went away.

Toward the end of the summer, I came home from a day at Universal Studios, Hollywood to find that Tilly and Tallulah were missing. So, I did what any good son would do; I went off in search of my fathers two missing turkeys. Up to this point in my life, I was fairly proud that I’d never embarrassed myself in my neighborhood. I was fairly respected, with a nice sprinkling of feared amongst my neighbors. I think some of that was lost as I walked around the neighborhood investigating the whereabouts of two wayward turkeys.

I walked up one side of the street and then down the other. I asked anyone whom I came across, if they’d seen anything strange, a couple of turkeys. Most people hadn’t seen anything. I went around the block and continued asking anyone I came across if they’d seen the two birds. I came across this gentleman, working on his car and told him that I was searching for two... when he replied, “the turkeys?!” Imagine my surprise when I heard this. I spoke to him for a few minutes and he told me where the turkeys were. Before I continued on my way, he asked me about my pomegranate tree. He asked if he could have some pomegranates and of course I obliged him. I went and found Tilly and Tallulah and decided that I wasn’t going to put two turkeys in my Shelby Turbo CSX.
I gave the man who had incarcerated Tilly and Tallulah 20 dollars and assured him that I’d be right back to take possession of the two birds.

I went and found my dad who had no problems putting the birds in his Renault Alliance.
I took my dad to the house where the two birds were and upon their release, they followed him to his car, where he placed them in the back seat of his Renault and proceeded to drive away, turkeys and all. What a life I lead…

The turkeys continued to thrive at home; for a while anyway. Eventually, they went off on their way again; this time, I couldn’t find them, no matter how long I searched for them. That Thanksgiving was especially sad for my dad. He didn’t enjoy the holiday; as a matter of fact, he didn’t eat a bite. I felt bad for him. I missed the girls.
A few weeks later, dad brought home a chicken; they named him Danny Boy.
What a life I have.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Muddied Hero?

Just a comment about this Lance Armstrong fiasco; I personally don’t think it is as big a deal as so many are making it out to be. In today’s athletic field, people no longer engage in sports or activities for fun; they do it for fame and fortune.  Athletes don’t get off on having a trophy on their mantel. Sportsmen don’t care about a ring; they care about the endorsements that they are showered with. One bicycle race will earn you upwards of $75K, whereas one NIKE endorsement will earn you $75 MILLION dollars.
In the days of old, athletes didn’t have such technology available to them as do today’s sportsmen. Super multi vitamins, computerized exercise and training regiments, video scrutiny of their competition, are all available to today’s athletes and competitors. None of these things are illegal, but they do give athletes an edge.
Let’s take it one more step; chemical engineering that can enhance your performance. What drives people to use this next step? I think it is rooted not in ego, but in greed. When using performance enhancing chemicals, you are not doing it for that trophy on the mantel; you are using it to better your numbers to secure all the riches that being a champion will bring you.

Like all other things; it’s greed. Book deals, shoes, jerseys, bicycles, posters, all of these things bring in revenue. Gone are the days when people engage in a weekend activity for the pure fun of it; at least on the semi-professional/professional level.

Let’s go down farther on the chain; parents find that their child has an aptitude for throwing a baseball at a young age. Years back, a parent or sibling would be out in the back yard playing catch with their child every evening. That isn’t true today; today, parents would be scrambling to send their children to specialty camps to train them from a young age to be a professional athlete. Start building up their portfolio at a young age. Get them into the right schools, community teams and most importantly, bringing them the attention of professional sports scouts.
Kids in sports are encouraged to emulate their heroes; the positive and the negative aspects of their lives that they exhibit. Children and adults alike are so easily swayed and mesmerized by the promise of money, fame, women (or men); all the things that fame and fortune bring you. Ask any kid playing hoops in your neighborhood; “what is your goal?” He/she will tell you; “to play pro basketball and have a shoe named after me..”

It goes farther; performance enhancing chemicals are everywhere; baseball, football, soccer, weight-lifting, running, biking, swimming; just about anywhere that there is fame and fortune to be found. They try to find ways of controlling it; ways of detecting it; but chemical engineers are smart; they find ways to hide it.

In some parts of the world, an athletic scholarship or contract is a way out of poverty. I find that to be so sad. It is just one more way of being exploited by the system. Ever watch kids playing baseball in The Dominican Republic? Did you ever watch a little league game here in the U.S.? I don’t mean one that your children are playing in; just hanging at the park and watching a baseball, football or basketball game? They are quite interesting. What I find most interesting is the interaction of the parents on the sidelines.
Unfortunately, some parents take it so seriously. They seem to forget that sports for children are to teach them skills that help off the playing field. Fair play, good sportsmanship, integrity and the list goes on.

So, Lance Armstrong has admitted to doping; big deal. Is it right? No. Is it the norm in today’s sports? Quite possibly it is. Lance Armstrong shouldn’t be torn down. He should be celebrated for what he is; a great athlete. All people make mistakes; everybody lies; doesn’t anyone watch HOUSE? That isn’t what is important. What IS important is that Mr. Armstrong wants to come clean and continue doing what he loves. Perhaps he wants to see if he is still able to compete; without the chemical assistance. I say, let him. I for one will continue to cheer him on; and parents; take this opportunity to teach your children about the choices they make. It helps build character.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Recharging the mind...

January 13, 2013

How many people go off everyday in a personal quest to find themselves? It’s not like their lost; perhaps they are just looking for more than they have. Could it be that we as a people have grown tired of all the technology and meaningless pass times that we engage in that our souls and inner beings hunger for more? I know a guy who has so much. He has just about as much as anyone could ask for or desire and yet with all this; he is still empty on the inside. He still yearns for more. I don’t believe he is yearning for more physical items, just to feed his mind and soul more.

You hear of and meet people everyday who are on some sort of personal quest; looking for something that will enable our existence to make sense.

Could it be that we have put too much importance in our technology? I think maybe that we count too much on our toys. I think we are too dependant on our tablets, smart-phones, video games, mp3 players’ ipods and the like. I don’t think that many people remember what the world was like before all these things came along and joined our world. I know that things were not as convenient for us as they are now. We now are able to carry the world in our pockets. There are smart-phones that are available to us that have the power of some desk top computers. The information that the world offers is now available to us, literally at our fingertips.

I believe that this is a double edged sword. Humans have evolved to be resourceful, intelligent entities. We have come so far in our development because we have strived to learn so much. Seeking information in books, reading articles, experiments in labs, exploring our world around us; all of these things have made us in essence who we are. Technology, while improving our lives in some ways; has in others promoted deterioration in other facets of our lives.

In the not too distant past, taking a trip in an automobile was much different than it is today. One would pick up a map, pack their necessities and be off on a trip filled with excitement and adventure. One would plan a route, find hotels, restaurants, gas stations and points of interest, all while exploring while on their trek to their destination.

Today, excursions aren’t really like that. We plan our commutes into a GPS or our smart phone, which do have GPS capability and follow the directions that the little voice gives us. I would guess that one would miss the banter with your navigator who is holding the map; missing the adventure that a wrong turn would bring. I guess it hasn’t. We are a people who no longer stop to smell the roses. We draw a line and get where we’re going as fast as possible to sit on some beach or poolside at some resort and drink ourselves blind. Some vacation. Some adventure. I think that there is a better way.

I am not advocating for people to turn away from technology, but perhaps using it with more moderation. I think it is so fun jumping in a car, grabbing a map and taking to the open road. The fun is in the trip and usually not the destination. So many people don’t know what it’s like to stop at tourist traps and seeing the wares of local peddlers. Fun like this is just out there waiting to be had.

Of course nowadays, one has to concern themselves with the high prices of gasoline, car insurance and vehicle maintenance, but I guess you can’t have everything.

One day, I want to hop a train and ride the rails… I don’t mean AMTRAK, I mean a freight train. I think it would be awesome to travel like a vagabond for a while. It may be a bit dangerous, but I think that it would be an adventure that one could write about.
Anyone want to join me?
I know that I probably couldn’t really do this, but it would be fun to think about. I have met people that have bicycled Europe and told me of great exploits. Sound like real fun and adventure to be had. All one would need would be a pack with a sleeping bag, tool kit, water bottles some extra clothes, CLIF bars a camera, pocket radio a book and of course a bicycle.

There was a book called Biking Los Angeles that I read when I lived in California. I read the book and came to the conclusion that anyone who avidly bicycled in or around Los Angeles was lacking a few brain cells. The traffic around Los Angeles is rugged.

My friend Marianne likes to take tours. She was telling me about a trip she took to Europe. She mentioned that she enjoyed driving in the English Countryside. Her stories were filled with lively anecdotes about tiny roads, running into sheep filled towns and meeting the locals at the local inns. This sounds like a great deal of fun as well.

I guess the most important point of this post is for us as a people to get out and have some fun. Let us all put the technology away and go out and explore. Grab a friend or three and see the sights.
Let us all get away from the computers, televisions and just enjoy the camp fires and good times with friends.

I think that no matter what we choose to do to help us relax and get away, it is important. We need to recharge our batteries just like all the toys that we have. I for one am in the process of planning a small trip for myself. I will pack a bag, grab my XOOTR, a good book, my tablet and jump on a bus off to have a small adventure at one of my personal magic spots on Earth. I’ll be sure to post photos and write notes about it when it happens.
Why don’t you all do the same?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gun Control and such

Gun control is all the rage right now. Our Vice President, Joe Biden is spearheading the fight to control personal weapons amongst our nation.
Anyone ever read the Constitution of The United States of America?

I know that our fore-fathers didn’t mean for us to have AR-15’s and HK-MP5’s or AK-47’s. I believe that their forward thinking was brilliant; in order to insure a free nation; the people of that nation need to have the ability to protect themselves against the government, should that government ever turn on her people. When thinking about this, maybe the prospect of holding assault and military type weapons isn’t a bad idea.

As a nation; we’ve been lucky with our leaders. Most have believed in the integrity of the Constitution and the safety of our nation’s citizens. However, in recent years, most people feel that the threat of terrorists makes gun ownership much more reasonable. True, one doesn’t normally walk around with an assault weapon in his or her backpack, but having one locked away in the closet does allow one to sleep more soundly.

Maybe some things we can look at are weapons owners being compelled to safe guard their weapons by the use of gun safes, locks, cables and the like. Most gun owners don’t commit crimes, but sometimes, people commit crimes with legal gun owner’s weapons. Most likely due to unsafe storage practices.

The truth is, that there is no easy answer when it comes to the important issues of life. Gun Control, Abortion, Tax Reform, International Adoption, Nuclear Weapons disposal; the list is endless.

In order to address any social problems; one has to look at the underlying problems; the antecedent that creates the issue.
Some nut job takes an assault weapon and slaughters 20 innocents… It is a tragic happening. True, without assault weapons readily available, he probably wouldn’t have been able to kill twenty children; however, I believe where there is a will there is a way. He could’ve used any number of other devices to inflict carnage. Some may have been more gruesome and not as quick.

Our society is a sick society. If only 2 percent of our culture is socio-pathic or psycho-pathic, that’s a lot of disturbed people.
Unfortunately, most of these individuals aren’t discovered until it’s too late. However, if we all strive to find viable answers to the problems we are all experiencing our nation and world could be much safer for all of us.

It’s the same with drunk drivers, drug abusers and just about anything else that can be a danger for people. Instead of wanting to remove anything dangerous from our society, especially things that are necessary, or controllable, perhaps we just need to find a way to safe-guard these things. Implementing laws and enforcing them will be tedious; but in the long run, perhaps be more beneficial to all.

The masses don’t really want gun control. Just watch the news. There has been a run on gun stores to purchase these very models that are on the endangered list. An unarmed society is a vulnerable society.
It is our own responsibility to be able to protect ourselves whenever necessary. We wouldn’t be able to do that with extreme gun control.

Let us look into an improbable future; let’s say we get a leader in the White House who decides that he wants to take over the country; forego election. Not that we have anyone like that in the White House now, or even in the Chute for the next election in four years; but at some point; our luck may run out. It’s inevitable.

Just the same; let’s not be rash in any of our decisions. Let’s look at what is on the table and take every problem, analyze it and come to a cohesive, functioning plan; true debate, where our citizens, national and international are safe. Let us as a people be the individuals that benefit from a democratically elected government. Let’s make decisions that will make sense for all of us.
More later…

Monday, January 7, 2013

Social Video; electronic witness...

The news today is focusing on the Indian woman who was raped on a bus and who later died of her injuries in the hospital. The other top story is that of another rape, this one occurring in a small Ohio town, the act perpetrated by a couple of high school football players on an unconscious teen girl. The ironic thing is that this story would never have come to light if not for the other teens who by way of their cell phones, recorded the incident, then uploaded it to the web.

Technology today has become the new police nanny of the world. The inability of people to control their uploading impulses is helping local and federal authorities in capturing criminals for crimes that never would’ve been reported. Granted, most of these people who are being caught for these viral exploding crimes, should all be high contenders for the Darwin Awards, I think it’s great that there is actually a good use for all of these social media outlets. I think that Google and Youtube should be on the police payroll. If not for these outlets, so many crimes would go unpunished.

One has to wonder; what kind of mental midget would create havoc, participate in heinous acts and embed them on video for the entire world to see? As I mentioned earlier, these individual are truly deserving of the Darwin Awards.

All one has to do is look on the internet and find all kinds of foolishness. I remember seeing videos of individuals doing everything from destroying mail boxes with baseball bats from a car to people rioting at the park while at their kids’ football games.
I’ve seen videos of people engaged in home based ultimate fighting clubs. There is a myriad of things to watch if you look long enough.

Getting back to this video that has originated in Ohio over the last few days; it is a tragic happening, and most shocking is the fact that the world would’ve never found out about all of this occurring if not for the individuals recording this on their cell phones.
There is all kinds of speculation on the guilt or innocence of the boys involved in this attack on this poor teenage girl. What I find interesting is that the individuals who recorded this tragic event are not liable for any of this; unless they delete any video that has been saved on their electronic devices. Then, apparently, they can be charged with destruction of evidence and interfering with an investigation. I find this very interesting.

I wonder now, if parents are destroying their teen’s cell phones to keep their kids out of this mess that is going on? I don’t know what I’d do if I had a teen involved in this case in this way.

Perhaps this could’ve all been avoided if there had been one simple thing: parental supervision at this party. I don’t know what kind of parent would allow their kids to go to some party full of football players, where there is most likely going to be alcohol and perhaps even drugs? I believe all this could have been avoided if only parents would be more responsible.

Parental responsibility is a very touch subject. Having spent my life, working with children with special needs; I was surprised to find just how many children weren’t organically impaired, but how many were simply products of their upbringing. This is a topic for another posting. I know there are many families out there who are on the verge of collapse. So many parents don’t have any idea of how to raise problem children.
Rearing mainstream children is hard enough. But the failure of some parents to set limits, enforce rules and to hold their ground is resulting in the undermining of their children’s success in their future life.

All of this chaos in Ohio could’ve been avoided if only there had been parental supervision in the house on the night of the party. I don’t even know, nor have I been able to find out if there were ANY adults in the house. If there were; those adults are in a very actionable position. If there weren't  then the homeowner is in an extremely liable position. Either way, if you have children of any age; be sure to educate, love and limit your children. Don’t be afraid to properly raise your children; it’s your job as a parent.